chapter 20

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-Jinyoung's P.O.V-

"Guys! Let's play hide and seek in the water!"

Dahyun suggested raising her hands we all looked at her confused. I mean how can you play hide and seek in the water?

"Yeah, and then we suddenly float in the water like a dead frog."

Nayeon said making Dahyun pout. We just decided to play Dodge ball (A/N: we play that in water! Xd)

After that we are all very tired and we ate some foods.

I sat on the chair beside Dahyun who is arguing with his brother because Jackson keep on stealing in her food, my eyes started roaming around looking for someone, I spotted her struggling to open the water bottle. I walked towards her helping her to open it


After that we started fixing our things, because we are leaving. We put all of our things inside the car and then we went inside, the driver is Mark and of course beside her is Sana the four, Jimin, Mina, Dahyun, and Jackson in the second row, while me and Nayeon is in the last row.

It was a long ride, and as always Dahyun and Jackson bickering while Jimin and Mina flirting at eachother.

I turned to my left and saw Nayeon looking out at the window, listening to music. I stared at her, she turned her direction at me and we both look at eachother. We both looked away, blushing.

"Hey hey, what's happening there at the back?"

I heard Jackson said and the rest of them turned their attention at us except Mark because he is driving I saw them smirk, I glared at each one of them.

"None of your business."

I said and they all laughed and turned back to what they are doing, I noticed that Nayeon is playing a game on her phone and I saw that she is playing Minecraft!

"Woah! You play that too?!"

I said my mouth forming an 'O' she then looked at me and chuckled which made me smile.

"Yeah, wanna LAN?"

She grinned at me, I nodded and took out my phone.

-10 mins later-

"Hey! Why did you push me into the lava again?!"

I annoyingly said groaning, I mean she's been pushing me into the lava 5 times already and my other items are all gone!

"Oops, that was an accident !"

She laughed and I glared at her.

After five mins I noticed that Nayeon's character stopped moving and I noticed that she stopped talking actually she's been talking non-stop when we are playing. I heard a loud thud I think something fell, a phone.

R.I.P phone.

And it was hers I picked it up and turned to look at her and found her sleeping her head hung low, I smiled at the sight I put her phone inside her pocket and slowly laid her head on my shoulder.

But of course I snapped a pictures, I lightly chuckled.

My eyes are getting heavy I keep on opening my eyes whenever it was about to close, but I can't take it anymore so I closed my eyes and laid my head on her head.

-Nayeon's P.O.V-

I opened my eyes and I felt a weight on my head and I realized that i've fallen asleep.. Why is my head on Jinyoung's shoulder and her head on top of mine?

My heartbeat starts beating fast,

I could smell his perfume,

And I could hear his breaths

I am going crazy! OK stop thinking stop thinking stop thinking!

"Oh right, Nayeon, Jinyoung we are here only the two of you are left."

I heard Mark said. I slightly shook Jinyoung trying to wake him up.

"Jinyoung, Jinyoung wake up."

I said. He slowly opened his eyes and removed his head on mine, rubbing his eyes. He's so cute he looks like a kid!

"We are here."

We went out of the car and thanked Mark for driving us here.

-Next day school-

"Ugh! We wouldn't be here if only you two didn't fight!"

Said Dahyun glaring at us, who is mopping the hallway, well we, the gang got a punishment because of me and Jinyoung fought about something stupid.

Well because this is what happened...


Jinyoung took one of the pizza in my plate so I glared at him as he grinned at me chewing the pizza whoa! Just when did he become a tease?

"Hey that's my last pizza!"

"You still have one,"


I tried reaching for his hand trying to get the pizza out of his hand. I want to eat two pizza! T-T

I grabbed his hand trying to get the pizza but unluckily it slipped from his hand and flew.

"Hey look a flying pizza!"

Said Sana who is chewing her food,

"Oh no, it's gonna land on someone!"

Mina said looking at the pizza, our eyes followed to where the pizza is going, our eyes widen when we realized where it is gonna hit.


We all screamed in chorus, I mean the pizza just landed on our principal's bald head! The principal turn his attention at us with a deadly aura surrounding his entire body we all sweat dropped.

He walked towards us and scolded at us.

"Clean the hallways!"

And that's how we got into a punishment.

-end flashback-

"Hey this wouldn't happen if Jinyoung didn't took my pizza!"

I said glaring at him, Mark went in front of me blocking me from glaring at Jinyoung.

"OK OK, let's just finish this okay?"


Boring chapter~ but I hope you liked it pls vote and thank you luv u with feelings muah! *throws flying kiss*

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