Random accents and near miss kisses.

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Anna didn't think she could talk her way into the bar. But she needed to try.

The beefy security man looked at her as if to say, 'Do you really think you have any chance of coming into this establishment? I can't afford to lose another job because I will not work in a Taco Bell again do you hear me?!'

Well one could only imagine.

But still she summoned up the courage to approach the guard and as he looked down at her, she audibly swallowed out of nervousness.

"How do you do mister guard?" Anna nervously laughed. He did not.
"I was wondering whether I could partake in a beverage?"

What the bloody heck were these words coming out of her mouth?! She sounded like she had taken a step into Victorian society. Why did she get so nervous around security guards? Their authority intimidated her more than she'd like to admit. Might as well give up and text Tom another place.

The bodyguard raised his eyebrows. "You're not 21 are you?"
She shook her head, making sure she didn't change into Queen Victoria again. "No I just got lost, I was hoping I could meet a friend in here."
He thought about it. "You won't drink anything alcoholic?"
She shook her head once again, she had never been one to drink. He lifted the rope over her.
Anna looked at him again and he nodded.
"You seem like a good kid, if a bloody weird one."
She saluted at him as she went towards the entrance. "Thank you kind sir!" He simply waved back.

By the time Tom arrived, Anna was sipping on a can of Diet Coke with a fruity straw.
She waved him over. "You actually came?"
He ran his fingers through his hair. "Well when a girl texts you saying she's lost and wants to drink-"
"Hey!" Anna interrupted. "I simply suggested a bar, I did not offer alcohol."
He rolled his eyes. "Well whatever the text said, I didn't want you to be alone on a night like this."

She looked down, that actually meant more to her than she'd like to admit. After the argument with her parents it was nice to know that she actually had someone else who cared about her safety. It seems that after their rocky first encounter they could actually get somewhere.

Tom leaned over and tucked her hair behind her ear.

What. The. Fuck!

"Follow my lead." He whispered as his face become very close to hers.

Her mind was going all sorts of crazy. Why was he leaning so close? Oh my god he was going to kiss her wasn't he? As if this day couldn't get any more dramatic! She smelled his aftershave and oh my god he smelt so good. This was like a fangirl's fantasy! And how do you even kiss anyway? Do you just move your lips in the hopes of enjoying whatever happened next? She was too new at this! This was her first kiss damn it! She didn't want it to be a lie, would she end up regretting it?

But she had no time to answer that question as Tom softly kissed her on the cheek.

He leaned back abruptly and Anna finally had room to breathe. "I'm really sorry about that, people started to recognise me."
A pang of emotion went through her. "Just give me a heads up next time before I'm drowning in your fish-like lips."
Tom laughed. "Don't worry, you'll know next time."

Next time? She raised her eyebrows and Tom blushed as he realised what he said.
"I meant that hypothetically."
"Of course."

Tom ordered his own Diet Coke. "How come I didn't get the fruity straw?" He pouted.
"Because I'm the best." Anna grinned at him point said straw at him.
"Yeah, the best at being a pain in the ass."

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