Tag #2

10 2 4

7 hours ago, I was tagged by luciferstempest . Might as well get on to it.

1. Early Bird or Night Owl?
Night Owl, I just can't stand waking up early in the morning.

2. Vintage or Modern?
Does both count? Lol, I'm just kidding I know it doesn't. Anyhow, I'd say Vintage cause why not? The fashion's just too good to be true (in my opinion).

3. Most irrational fear?
I know that this is a childish fear, but I've been fearful of clowns. Quick little story: back when I lived in Philadelphia... My family and I would go to the mall, I was a little girl at the age of 3 and this guy dressed as a clown was staring down at me creepily. I felt as if he was watching my every move... Ever had that feeling of a burning feeling behind your back if someone is staring intently at you.. yeah I had that feeling. The thought of having a clown staring at you from afar is disturbing.

4. Invisible for a day; how would you spend it?
Easy poking my brothers just like they did to me a while back. Haha revenge. I'll have them beg to me for forgiveness... Too harsh? Nah, I'm just kidding I'm not that mean. In all honesty, I'd drive around my neighborhood.

5. Special power; what would it be?
The power to teleport. Seriously why not? Don't feel like going to the kitchen or moving around? Just teleport. Of course, there will be limitations to the usage.

6. One night that you could live over?
The summer night, 6 years back when my family and I had a whole reunion at my house for the summer. Every one was outmost happy. Nothing stressful on their minds. No fighting whatsoever.

7. The best advice you were given?
"Leave the toilet paper out and not inwards... Or I'll kill you." ~Jas; my baby sister
There's actually a story for this one, but I'll cut it short. My sister has major OCD when it comes toilet paper and how you would place it.

8. Singer or Dancer?
I love to do both, but that's only when I'm alone. Though, I love to sing often than I dance.

9. Most embarrassing moment?
Okay this is utterly disgusting as well a humiliating, but don't say I didn't warn you. *takes a deep breath* Last Christmas, I went to Virginia to see my cousins. My god-siblings to be exact and the youngsters. One of them as in the toddler sneezed and coughed in my mouth. Everyone thought it was a joke, but noo it wasn't. That night, I ended up with a fever. I forgave him since he was only a child, but the thought of reliving that moment is just... *shudders*

10. The Perfect Male.
Patrick Star, yes the FRICKING PINK STARFISH IN SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS. HIS NAME IS NOT RICK. *takes a couple of breaths* Okay, I'm good.

Alright than... That was a bit something. So here's the list that'll be victims for this.


Have fun~
Oh yeah, here's a puppy.

Have fun~Oh yeah, here's a puppy

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