Tag #7: ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

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Okie, you all know the drill! Tagged once again by the lovely luciferstempest ! Woot! Okay this half-baked potato will start now~

Okie, you all know the drill! Tagged once again by the lovely luciferstempest ! Woot! Okay this half-baked potato will start now~

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1. Trapped in your favorite TV show, and how do you die first?
I forgot what the TV show's called, but I'd be that one idiot who gets killed off first for doing something so stupid.

2. Favorite fandom?
Uh... Don't have one at the moment.

3. Rain or reign?
Huehehe... Reign.

4. Misha or empty!cas?
Hmm... dunno.

5. Favorite mythological god/goddess?
Athena the Goddess of Wisdom.

6. Favorite Song?
Sunday Morning - Maroon 5

7. What language do you speak and want to speak?
Okie so my parents are Filipino and both speak in different dialects for living in different towns in the Philippines. Though for some reason I find that Spanish is much more easier language for me to understand, even if I don't speak it that much. I'm sure it's that Spanish blood that's coursing through my veins. However, I do like to learn Italian.

8. Which show do you wish is real?
Sesame Str- nah, I'm just kidding. That's a good question and for some reason I'm looking in the pros and cons for the shows that I watch. Yeah... I don't think any of the shows should be real...

9. Which color describes your personality?
ROYGBIV; the frickin' rainbow, because it has all the colors and I'm a moody lil potato.

10. Which season?
Spring and/or Summer

11. Which power do you wish you have?

12. Which species is your favorite?
Were...wolf.. heh

13. Favorite character?
Don't have one yet.

Whew! Done! Now time to make questions of my own.

1. What zodiac are you? (Ex: tiger, dragon, or etc.)
2. What's your horoscope sign? (Ex: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, or etc.)
3. If you can be any mythical creature, what would it be?
4. If you had to sacrifice one of these things, what would it be? TV or cellphone?
5. Favorite anime OTP?
6. Last song, you've listened to?
7. Last video/show, you've watched?
8. Po-tate-o or po-tat-o?
9. Quick! Someone tried to mug you, what do you do?
10. Fire or Water?
11. Yin or Yang?
12. Favorite food?
13, Favorite word?

That's over and now for some taggies~
...you know who you are...😏
@the person, I'm referring to ^
I'll find you and...stuff with you my bake goods. > n <

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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