Alexander Hamilton?

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Usnavi was standing at the cashier patiently waiting for the last thirty minutes of his shift to end. There was no one coming into the shop for the last hour. It was the slow hours or the lonely hours was what Usnavi called them. He just really did not want to be at work today, it was such a beautiful summer day for Washington Heights, New York. 

He wanted to go have an actual summer this year instead of working at the store like he has since he was 14. Usnavi who was 17 has owned this mom and pop stop n' shop store since he was 14, when his parents died he inherited it. That was the worst Christmas present ever.

He placed his elbows on the counter top and his head naturally fell into his hands. Usnavi's head tilted to the side and stared out the window. The window in the front of the store was the only window in the whole building. It really was not a window, it was more of a large pane of glass that covered half of the front wall where the door was. It had an open view of the hair salon that sat across the street. From across the street he could see Daniela and Carla working in the salon. On the curb outside the salon was Vanessa sweeping the curb.

Usnavi kept his gaze on her as she swept the curb. Taking in her beauty as she looked up at the sky as a plane went by over their heads. Two guys were walking up to her whistling and hollering at her. Samuel Sabery and  Charles Lee were taking her beauty in as an invitation to act like savage animals around her. As they came closer their volume became louder and Usnavi heard what they were saying to her.

"Aye Vanessa, how's it going gurl. You wanna come back to me casa and we'll have some fun." Said Sam getting closer to her with every word and touching her. She shrugged them off gripping her broom tight.

"Nah boys, not tonight, I have some place to be tonight." She tried to turn and go back into the salon but Charles came in front of her and blocked her way from the door. Thoughts came rushing through Usnavi's mind.
Was anyone seeing this? Where was Daniela coming to stop them? He looked under the counter for his gas pump handle and ran out to her scaring the two boys away from her.
The sound of the gas pump handle had made them take off running back the way they came. Usnavi went up to Vanessa and pushed her into the salon, never taking his eyes off of the street. he closed the door and turned to Vanessa and put his hand on her elbow. 

"A-Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" Usnavi asked while pulling his hand away, realizing he was touching her.

"Me? Yeah I'm fine," She laughed as if the attack was nothing "But you man Usnavi, I didn't know you had the brave warrior type in you." Usnavi said chuckling as his hand was rubbing the back of his neck. 

"O-O-Okay, I need to back store, Sonny calling me. What Sonny?" Usnavi was yelling as he ran to the store. He slammed the door and locked it. 

"I'm such a joke, I can't even talk to a pretty girl for two minutes with out running away." Usnavi said out load into the quiet store. 

It's Sonny, Sonny is calling. Come on answer it's your cousin Sonny. 

The annoying ringtone that Sonny put on Usnavi's phone was ringing. 

"What Sonny?  What do you need?" Usnavi asked his 13 year old cousin.

"Abuela and me need you home." Sonny said into the phone.

"It's Abuela and I need you home, by the way. I will be home in 5 minutes."

"Can you run?"

"yeah... sure i'll be home soon." Usnavi hung up the phone and ran out the door towards his home. When he got there Abelua was at the door waiting for him. He went to open the door but Abuela stopped him by taking his hands into hers. 

Hamilton in the Heights! A Hamilton and In the Heights crossover fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now