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iris, up there^^


iris's pov

it's the time of year for the games. the 68th annual games as a matter of fact. this is my least favorite time of the year, but a lot of other people in 4 think it's the greatest thing to ever exist.

i just don't see all the greatness in a buch of teenagers killing each other until only one stands. the thought of it makes me sick.

i dislike the games for more then that reason also, but that's a story for another time.

my family and i are your average family here in four. my father is a fisherman and my mother works at a local shop that sells fish and other goods. my 11 year old brother, xander, is your typical rowdy and crazy little brother, but i wouldn't have him any other way.

me, you ask? well i'm a little less normal then the rest of my family. i was up until three years ago, when something happened that changed me for good.

my family has always trained for the games from the age of five to eighteen, night and day. i hated the idea of how one day i may have to use what we trained for to kill someone, but you never know when a reaping could go wrong and not be in your favor.

i'm decent with a handful of different weapons, but the spear and bow and arrow are my favorites. i love the way a bow fits in my hand, same with the shaft of a spear, dispite the fact that either of the weapons could easily be used to fatally injure someone which made me feel uneasy.


the walk back from school to home is a long, scenic route. the sea is visible atop one of the hills we walk over. we can see the fisherman pulling in their boats and their catches of the day. it's quite the sight.

on this particular day xander and i where walking home, i saw the one and only finnick odair. he was on the beach talking with some of the fishermen.

i stopped dead in my tracks.

"iris, give up." xander said turning toward me trying to coax me into continuing on our way home. but i wasn't giving yet, not now.

i stared at him, hoping he'd look in my direction. my wish was finally granted as he caught my gaze.

i shot him a dirty look, in which he returned a wink and a smirk. he turned back to chatting with the fishermen. i hate him so much.

i hesitantly moved my feet, and continued on my way home with xander.

once home, xander proceeded to tell my parents the same story he had told me on the way home about his day at school, something we did everyday.

"that's great kiddo." my dad said ruffling his hair congratulating him for weaving the best net in his class today.

"both of you need to train for a few hours after supper tonight. i don't want you to be rusty incase you're reaped... again." my father said looking at me.

my heart fell deep into my chest as soon as he said it. my mother noticed and spoke up.

"caspian, you know she doesn't like to think about that."

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