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"The number you are trying to call, is currently unavailable. Please try again." was what they had heard when trying to call Tin for the fourth time now.

Emilia hadn't been able to get Tin outside since nobody was answering the door, and she couldn't get inside either. She was crying at this point, scared that something had happened to Tin without them knowing.

"Hey, it's okay noona.I promise you that she's fine." Jungkook comforted as he hugged the older girl, letting her cry on his shoulder.

"What if she isn't?" Emilia sobbed.

"I promise." Jungkook kept rubbing Emilia's back, in a comforting and soothing manner.

Taehyung was still trying to call the youngest among the people in the chat. Still no answer, until-.

"Hello?" They heard a tired voice through the speaker.

"Tin! Open your door!" Emilia yelled as she heard the younger.

"What? Okay, sure." They heard the younger sounding confused, before finally the door opened with a newly woken up Tilde.

"Oh my God, you're okay. Don't do that ever again, I worried sick about you." Emilia scolded once she saw her friend.

"Don't do what?" Tilde asked sounding confused.

"Wait, what do you mean by "Don't do what"?" Taehyung looked confused at the even more confused young girl.

"What did I do?" She asked confused before hearing a giggle from inside.

"I swear to god, if you messed with my friends you're gonna have to catch these hands!" Tilde then yelled loudly to someone sitting inside, hiding from the people outside.

"Who?" Jungkook questioned.

"My younger brother." Tin sighed, before pushing her hair back, slightly fixing the mess.

"We came as fast as we could." They then heard two voices behind them, making them look back.

"Oh my God, babe are you okay?" Yugyeom said as he walked up to Emilia, who had blood shot eyes from crying.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just scared." She answered as she was held by the taller boy.

"Cute." Tin giggled as she looked at them.

"Okay, but explain please." Kunpimook sais as he stands with the other teenagers.

"I'm guessing my brother sent something in the group chat that made you guys worry. I don't know what, all I know is that I was sleeping before I was woken up by a call from Taehyung." She explained.

"I'm gonna kill him later for making you all worry." She mumbled.

"Well, we're all here, may we come inside?" Kunpimook then asked as Tin nodded in approval, letting her, now calmed down group of friends inside.

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