scares of war

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We were ready to be hurt again but she called over the speaker that a person would be coming to adopt a kid. Of course not me because i'm a 16 year old that is always shy and scared of meeting new people especially adults. We just got ready to go to bed as someone told me to follow them,so I did but of coarse it was a trap for the next day. I went back to my bed to go to sleep but there was noise coming from the speaker.

                                                                                    (the next day)

"OK everyone line up single file and sit down"the women spoke in a harsh tone

Everyone did as told but i kept looking down at the ground not looking up as always because i knew i was not gonna be pulled out but just then i heard my name being called to see a person that wanted to adopt me. As I walked into the room i heard 2 familiar voices. I glanced up once and saw them,Brandon and his gf Jackie. 

"hi!"they said together 

"hi"i whispered 

                                                                                   (7 min later)

I was riding in his car looking out the window quitly rapping the words in a whisper. Jackie asked if i had a tallent so i said i could draw a little and liked to sing or rap. 

"cool maybe Brian my brother would like to have a competition with you when you get used to us talking and being a family"Brandon said 

i shrugged my shoulders as we parked in the garage and faze rug (Brian)came out to see me and tried to get me to talk but i was nerves and i only knew Jackie the most. Me and everyone else talked but not as much as me and Jackie.

Jackie pov

Me and y/n were getting along very well and she talked a little bit more but still quit. When we took her back to sign the adoption papers she only had that one small bag she had had when she left with us. She was in videos more but a little shy on camera but she cheered for Brandon when he went to play basket ball,but what was strange was she always had a hat on and always drew and raped or sang. It was like the world zoned out when she did that and i would record her singing and drawing and kept in in my phone with the pictures she draws and i always show it to Brandon. One day we went out into town and we had a gun put to our heads and y/n did these really cool moves so he was passed out on the ground and she saved us. We gave her a big hug and called the cops. We decided to go home and see Brian and y/n have a rap off. y/n won for rapping the fastes and being able for us to hear her clearly. 

"hey y/n wanna go to the mall tomorrow and get stuff to prank the boys with?"

"ya whats the prank about"she asked

"well pretend that you hit your head on the door handle hard and started bleeding in the head and i will yell for them to come over to me and when they dial 91 he say its just a prank"

"YEAH"she said

                                                                  (time skip to prank) 


y/n pov

I layed there not moving but breathing slowly. I heard the boys running down the stairs with a phone open and Brandon was the first one to me and i heard the 2nd 1 and sat up yelling 


"not funny!!!"yelled my dad 

"mo-ms ide-a"I choked out between laughs 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey peeps i know my user name is something else but i love them all have a good day brawd squad

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