Chapter 6

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Ikiru's POV

Well the next day was awful. Ed and Al had to go through Tucker's shit. And let me tell you, hell on earth. Ed ran out and straight to Roy's office. Al waited outside as I went in the check on them.

"I'll go investigate on my own then." Ed said.

"Fine. Go on your own. And leave that here." Roy pointed to Ed's watch. Ed don't.

"I planned on it." He took it off and placed it on Roy's desk. He started to walked out and saw me. "Ikiru? What's wrong?" I closed my eyes and ran to Al. He saw me burst threw the doors.


"Alphonse!" I jumped into his arms. "He quit." Then Ed came out, pissy and stuff.

"Brother. We're alchemist. Not police. We can't catch a killer." And Ed ran off to go try and find the person who killed Nina. I bit my tongue. "Ikiru?"

"That asshole." A gray car pulled up.

"Hey, I thought the short one was your love interest." I turned.

"Daisy?" She smiled. Of course it's Daisy. Her smile went away.

"What happened this time? What did he do?" Nothing. "Hop in kids. We'll go to my house for now so that we can talk." We went with her. We made it to her house and it was huge.

"Wow Daisy. Your house is huge!" Alphonse marveled at it.

"My fíance's a scientist for the military. We live pretty good." I nodded and we went in. We were met by her cat, Tiger. Al fell in love with that thing. He was all happy and giddy. "That boy okay?" I nodded.

"He loves cats. He'll be fine." She nodded.

"James! We have guests!" There was an 'okay' yelled from above and a 'who are they'. "Ikiru and Alphonse Elric." There was shuffling and soon there he was. A tall tan man with dark brown hair and eyes.

"Princess Ikiru! He bowed at the waist.

"Please, just Ikiru." He nodded.

"Anyways. Ikiru what's wrong?" Daisy still looked upset for me.

"Brother quit the military to find a little girl's killer." I bit my lip again.

"I understand his pain. But he can't cry over Nina like this. He'll get hurt again. And I can't stand to see that." I clenched my fists slightly.

"He's that stupid?"

"Yeah. He wants to find her killer and will put everything off until he finds them."

"Wow. Is that one of the reasons you're holding back your confession?" I nodded. "Is he really all that worth it?" I glared at her. "Got it."

"No, you don't. I love him more than anything on this planet. I love him more than dancing." Daisy's jaw dropped.

"The fuck! I didn't think that was possible! So this must be awful!" Daisy said.

"I don't know who I'm more mad at though. Ed, or Onii-sama." I looked to the floor.

"What do you mean?" James said as he leaned against a wall.

"Well, Roy is the one who told Ed that if he wanted to go looking for the killer he had to resign, but Ed is the one that resigned. I'm so pissed off and angry and I don't know who to be pissed at!" I grabbed my head with both hands and started to scratch and mess up my hair. Daisy grabbed my wrists.

"Ikiru. Calm down." I put my hands down and she started to brush my hair. "I know what we can do. Since my fíance works at home and you brought Al." She got an evil smirk and a deadly twinkle in her eye. "We can go shopping!" I bounced up and smiled.

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