All too well

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This is based off of the song All Too Well by Taylor Swift and I didn't even remember writing it but I just found it and thought I'd share it with you xx

Harry remembers it like it was yesterday. The way he and Niall had entered the cottage and it had all been perfect. The temperature was a bit too low, and the floor creaked here and there. There was no wood to make fire with so Niall had to go out in the cold autumn weather just to go get some new. It took what felt like forever for the cottage to warm up and their bed wasn't as comfy as they would have liked it. But even though there was small imperfections, it still made together a perfect scenario because they were there together.

Even though the cottage was perfect in the imperfect way, the most perfect part of their weekend away was most definitely the car ride there. The way they had sung along to every song on the radio. The way they had laughed and the fact that they were so so happy.

The way Harry kept stealing glances at his boyfriend watching him drive them far away, somewhere were they would be for a few days. Just the two of them. The way Harry's heart kept swelling with pride that the faux blond placed in the drivers seat was actually his. He was Harry's and no one else could ever have Niall the way Harry did.

Even though it's been two years now, since that weekend, Harry still finds himself crying over it from time to time. He wonders if Niall still has the scarf that Harry left there. Wonders if Niall thinks about him from time to time. Harry thinks about how naive he was to think that no one would ever get to be with Niall the way he was. He thinks that he was naive to think they were meant to be.

He has to fight the tears far too often and he stays in bed one too many times. Harry is calling in sick a bit too often and he knows people are picking up on it. He can't bother to care though. Why should he care about losing his job when he has already lost what was most important to him? What is most important to him. Because even though Niall isn't his anymore, he still loves him. Niall is the most precious creature and Harry can't believe he lost him.

Harry should probably hate Niall. That's how it works right? You get dumped and hate them for being a jerk. Thing is, Niall isn't a jerk. And Harry loves Niall too much to hate him.

It's annoying to not be able to let go of the memory of the weekend away. Harry wants to be able to let it go but he can't. It's impossible because he keeps seeing Niall when he closes his eyes.

He sees Niall and himself dancing around the kitchen with only the refrigerator light illuminating the room. The way they had goofily danced and they had sung at the top of their lungs even though it was in the middle of the night. He remembers how they laughed and if he concentrates hard enough, he can relive the moment. He does far too often, because really, he should let it go. He should try to forget it. Niall probably has.

It has been a year and half since they broke up. Since they stopped being a couple and Niall decided it was time for them to go separate ways. Harry thinks that he kind of does hate Niall for breaking up with him. But then he thinks that it was probably his own fault that they broke up. Maybe Harry was too demanding or too much to handle.

A knock on the door startles Harry from his thoughts about his Niall that was no longer his. He debates on opening the door, but decides to continue to sulk over his ruined relationship.

Whoever is on the other side of Harry's door, probably Liam that's here to tell Harry to get up off of his ass, is persistent and knocks once more. Harry lets out a groan but walks over to the door and opens it to yell in the face of Liam that he wants to be left alone. Instead his mouth falls agape because he's met with someone that isn't Liam at all.

The blonde is looking more beautiful than ever even though he's got trails from tears running down his cheeks. His fringe is laying flatly against his forehead and he's wearing a grey jumper. Harry's favorite grey jumper on him because it makes him look so damned handsome.

"Niall." his name falls from Harry's lips and it makes a sob rack through his body.

"I'm sorry Harry. I'm not supposed to be here. I know that you probably hate me, I just, I" another sob interrupts Niall's speaking. "I miss you so much and I was going to the cottage and I found this" he lifts his hand where Harry sees his scarf held tightly.

"I thought maybe you wanted it back. And m-maybe you could take me back as well." Niall sounds so broken and it's like he's expecting Harry to slam the door in his face. Harry however stares at Niall for a while before jumping him, making him lose his balance. The boys are laying sprawled in the hallway, door open to Harry's apartment but Harry doesn't care. Niall wants him back. He giggles happily and begins to press kisses all over Niall's face.

"I love you." he whispers and now Niall is not crying from sadness anymore. He's crying from happiness.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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