Anti, huh?

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~whole story is in third person~

Anti and Dark where on the run from the police. They swished through streets, trees, lawns and even through people's homes. They finally lost the police, until Anti noticed. "Uh Dark?"

"What?" Asked Dark, turning towards him. "What do you want?"

"Where are we?"

Dark looked about and gasped, "We're in someone's house!"

Then, footsteps were heard, and the door slammed open. Revealing a girl with (hair colour) hair, and (eye colour) eyes. Yawning, and rubbing her eyes. She didn't notice Anti and Dark straight away, but after a few seconds. She noticed.

"AGH! Who are you?! Get out of my bedroom! More like out of my entire house!! GET OUT!!" She screamed, going insane. "LEAVE!"

"Woah! Calm down lady! We didn't mean to end up in here-" protested Anti, but the girl cut him off by throwing something at him.

"Leave my house!" She screamed again, holding a pillow. "And never come back!"

"Woah, women calm down. We aren't here to hurt you! We promise-" spoke Anti, but got muffled by Dark's hand.

"That's enough, Anti. I'll handle it..." Dark grumbled, glaring at Anti. "Now. Where are my manners? My name is Darkiplier. But you can call me Dark. And this midget here is Anti. Nice to meet you...uh?"

"Y-y/n. And why are you on my house for god's sake?!" Y/n said, glaring now. "I told you both to leave..."

"Women, will you be patient!" Spat Anti, getting mad. "I'm losing my patience here with you! I want to leave as much as you want us to! Im tired!"

"Anti shut up..." growled Dark, but Anti carried on.

"And I haven't had my dinner. Or super! So, thank you very much I will be taking my leave. Good-" Anti said, but Dark grabbed his shirt, and lifted him back. "Ah! Hey! Dark! I wanna go!"

"WILL YOU WAIT?!?" Bellowed Dark, his eyes turning red. Y/n was startled by this, and backed up to the door. "Excuse me. I'm going out. Stay here Anti and make bloody friends with her. I'll be back in ten minutes...!"
Demanded Dark, walking out and slamming the door very hard.

"Uhh...hey...I'm...Y/n. Nice to meet you?" She said/asked not sure if she should trust him.

"Hmph...fine...the name's Anti, lass" he smiled slightly, showing his clear white fangs, and his one green eye shining beautifully in the moon's ray. "You're very beautiful if I must say..."

Y/n blushed and Anti coughed. "Oh god, sorry! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable . I was only complementing you...sorry..."

"It's okay, one ever does that so I'm kinda where's your friend gone? Dark was it?"

"Oh yeah, Dark. He's probably just going to cool off. He gets angry easily. Anyway, can I sleep on the floor? I'm tired..."

"Sure..." replied y/n, laying a small blanket  for him."Dark can sleep with you in the floor, Anti. And in the night, don't wake me up. I want sleep. Goodnight!"

She lied down, and whispered. "Anti, huh? Weird name for a man...or...demon/monster?"

Move It Bish (Antisepticeye x reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now