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Anti was downstairs watching tv whilst y/n was showering, and Dark was cooking breakfast. "Hey Dark?" Called Anti, turning his head to the side.

"What?" Called back Dark, flipping an egg. Anti didn't reply. "What Anti?"

"What're we having for breakfast?"

"Eggs and bacon, simple. Are you done asking me now cause you're really annoying..."

"Yep! I'm dong asking! I'm gonna go take a shower. Bye!"

"Wait Anti don't-and he's gone...oh well, let's just keep quiet and listen to the slap he's going to get" smirked dark, flipping another egg. "Beautiful..."

Anti grunted up the stairs, and opened the bathroom door. Expecting no one to be in there. But he was wrong. "AGHHH!!!!!" Screamed Anti and y/n at the same time.

"GET OUT, GET OUT!!!" Bellowed y/n, throwing a shampoo bottle at him. "ANTI GET OUT YOU IMBECILE! GET OUT!!!"

She then threw the soap, and it hit his head. "Ow, okay okay! I'm going! Sheesh women!" Screeched Anti, having himself through the door and slamming it. "Sheesh...she hit me hard.."

"Heh, I saw all of that...." chuckled Dark, from the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, the food is ready. Tell y/n too. I ain't walkin' up there. Come on"

Anti groaned, and knocked and spoke. "Y/n, hurry up, breakfast is ready"

"Oh alright. Be out in a second!" Replied y/n

Anti went down stairs and joined Dark. On the way down. He was thinking about y/n for some reason he doesn't know. She's beautiful!! Who wouldn't think about her? Okay this is weird now, Anti. Stop thinking weird thoughts...I really need to stop this...Dark can read my mind-

"Yes and I'm going to tell y/n all of that." Dark interrupted me, smirking.

"WhAt?!? No please! I'll do anything! Just don't tell her!" Anti pleaded, courting his hands together. Until y/n heard.

"Don't tell who what?" She laughed, taking her food.

"Oh nothing...for now..." chuckled Dark, walking to the couch. "Y/n, can I play your Nintendo Switch?"

"Yeah sure. Just don't rage and break it. Otherwise you're buying me a new one. Capish?"

"Capish..." said Dark, dully. "Ugh.."

"Oh lighten up, dark. You're always in a mood!" Shouted Anti, "be more like me!"

"Like you? For real, Anti? I never want to be as happy as you. And you're just a crazy insane, psycho midget, that's all you are..."

"Hey! Am not!"

"You are, Anti..." y/n spoke up. Anti glared and began to fake cry.

"Oh here we go again..." sighed Dark, "Anti be quiet will you?"

"Waaaahahahaha..." whined Anti clutching onto y/n's arm "Darks a meany..."

Y/n left him in her arm and sat there unamused...-.-

Move It Bish (Antisepticeye x reader) *DISCONTINUED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz