Anti and Darks Fight (p2)

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Anti's POV:
I was walking through the kitchen with my ice cream, until someone bumped into me. "Hey watch it! Bum hole!" I spat. I realised it was y/n. "Oh god. I'm sorry, I thought you were Dark..."

"Really, Anti? Really?" She groaned, "do I look like a 6ft man? With red eyes and jet black hair and also pale skin? HUH?"

"No, but I thought you were him. I didn't see it was you"

"Fair play..."

I laughed, and sat down on a stool watching y/n become angry with something. "Yo (nick name) what ya doin'?" I question, tilting my head. She smashed -what I think is a toaster- in the floor. "Why'd you throw a perfectly good toaster on the floor?"

"Because I dropped my hair pin in there! And it was my good one" she pouted, flopping on the counter. She looked at me, and then laughed, I joined in too. Also, Dark entered the room, staring me down.

"What's so funny?" He asked, sitting down on a stool, too. Me and y/n looked at him, and then I glared. Y/n then moved her head down to the toaster. "Whys there a toaster on the floor?"

"Someone is angry" I said. Dark snapped his head towards me and shifted his gaze to y/n.

"You threw a toaster? On the floor?" He said, frowning in confusion. Y/n giggled, and went to pick it up. "Anti?"

I looked to dark and looked at him. "Yes?"

"Follow me. Stay here, y/n" he commanded. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Why're you made at me? Why're we in this stupid fight anyway?"

"I'm annoyed with you" I stated, crossing my arms.

Dark scoffed, and went back upstairs. "When you're ready to apologise, I'll be upstairs. Till then, leave me to my peace and quiet"


Move It Bish (Antisepticeye x reader) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now