Gray and lucy

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Grays p.o.v
After walking home with Lucy I tucked her into the bed and kissed her goodnight
The next day I woke up with a hard on.

Lucy's p.o.v
I woke up with gray gone and the bathroom light on. I stood up and rubbed my eyes and walked into the bathroom.
Gray sat there on the toilet stroking his member ahh I covered my eyes I'm so sorry gray! I turned around to walk away only to feel his arms rapped around me and his member against me too. Lucy....
I love you he turn me around and kissed me. As
I sank into his kiss he picked me up and through me on the bed ripping my night gown off and my underwear. He didn't hesitate at all and went right in.
Fuck your so tight Lucy. Mmh gray be more gentle ahh. He started speeding up and I was at my limit my back arched as we both came! Ahhh gray!! Lucy....

*Time skip*
Hey guys sorry to interrupt it's been a few week since this happened in the story by the way sorry I haven't been updating I'm in the process of moving out of my moms house yay! Alright let's get back to the story!
Lucy p.o.v
Babe can you go get me an ice cream bar and hot sauce and some pickles.
Umm ok gray said.
He went out to get the items and I started feeling a bit woozy I ran to the bath room and thru up every where.
God admit! Ugh! Why is everything making me so sick!
Gray came back and he grave me the bat and the hot sauce and the pickles and then I thru the hot sauce on the ice cream with pickles on top. Wtf Lucy I didn't expect you to eat them all at once you need to cut down on the food too your getting a little plump. What no I'm not. I finished my ice cream of sorts lol and weighed my self holly shit!!!!!! I yelled gray rushed in what! I've gain a lot of weight. I told you, gray said shut up I said pouting. Ima go to the store I said. Umm ok gray said back.
I walked out of the house and then thought to myself I'm eating strangly and gain weight and throwing up wtf am I pregnant?! I gasped cought in my own thoughts I ran into the store and grabbed a test and ran into the bathroom at the store I peed on it.... 😲
Cliff hanger 😈

Switched rolls? (Graylu lemon) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now