Chapter 1: Lost my mind

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It's not necessary to hear the song while reading. I only put it there if you were interested. Thanks for reading and I hope you like it.

You're the sound of a song and I can't get you out of my head

Lloyd couldn't sleep, he was sitting in his bed hearing music and looking at the sky, at the beautiful dark sky.

You're the calm in the storm
You're the voice saying come back to bed.

He had dreamed with another flashback, one of the worse. He really never thought a young boy could pass through thing so horrible. The flashbacks call him to go back to sleep and watch more, but he couldn't and wasn't going to do it.

Maybe I'm just too tired to keep running.
Maybe you're what I never saw coming

He never saw coming anything that recently had been happening. To the dreams to the feelings on his chest.

Am I in your head, half as often as you're on my mind?

He couldn't forget him, even after all he did to him, after all he had tryed to forget. His mind will show him the good things he did for him. There might not be much for others, but his heart accept them and made Lloyd double think about his old enemy.

If I don't make sense, please forgive me I can't sleep at night.

This week's he couldn't close eyes when the sky went dark. He couldn't rest. But after all he still could think about something. About someone.

At least not alone, not anymore. Not since I found what I never went looking for.

After every fight, after every punch of pain over his body, after all that person did to him. He couldn't resist to forgive him, and couldn't resist that everytime he was around him, in the past or en memories, he didn't feel alone. He had someone that had passed through something similar to his. But much more worst.

And now you're in my head.
I must've lost my mind.

How could he think about him so much? Was it real that sencesion over his heart, and around his stomach.

You're the scars on my skin.
You're the past I don't wanna erase.

His friend will think he was insane if he told them what he was feeling. They well make him remember all the pain and saddnes. But after all he didn't want to forget it.

You're the words on my lips they have left, but I still seem to taste.

Lloyd could remember those moment he will meet a very diffrent person. When his kidnapper went to get food and left the boss rest. He will go near the cell and not talk, not until Lloyd said something. He was scared, scared and alone. So was he.

Maybe I'm just too tired to keep lying.
Maybe you're all I ever wanted.

He produced I sigh. He always feel bad when the ninjas started to talk about the owner of the flashbacks, and started to insult him. He will keep quite, and if they asks him he was made to say a lie. He was feed up about it.

Am I in your head, half as often as you're on my mind?

Why did he ever let this happened? He shouldn't have opened a so important door like this one. He shouldn't have left hisself fall for him. Because know it just hurt.

If I don't make sense, please forgive me I can't sleep at nigh.

He sighed again, and decided to have a walk. He didn't even mind putting on a suitable aufet, he only burried his feet in his shoes and went to New Ninjago city.

At least not alone, not anymore.
Not since I found what I never went looking for.

He didn't stop hearing the music. The streets were dark and silence. But he felt like he really wasn't alone, like if somewhere there was a person. A person waiting for him.

And now you're in my head.
I must've lost my mind.

But he ignored the sencesion, and unconsciosly started to think about his past. He didn't want to, but like the song sang, he was losing his mind.

There's an empty space beside me, and I keep it that way.
Until you're here.
I need you here

He will look at his right side, like if he was looking for someone. But after all it was empty, like a part of his heart. Why was he so stuped? Why did he let him go? And know... He needed him there.

There was another face, beside me.
But I sent it away.

He admitted he had a choice, he could just try to forget him and move on. He could choose any girl that came after him, and just forget.

'Cause you're not here.

But he just couldn't. It was true what once his mother told him, once you gave your heart it difficult to take it back. And he knew it know, and he knew it was impossible to take ir back now. Now that his heart died with the ghost.

Am I in your head, half as often as you're on my mind?

Suddenly his steps went slowing down, and a horrible headache attaked him. He weakly entered a alley.
"Not now" He whispered to himself, knowing the moment he fell to his knees a new flashback will come in mind.

If I don't make sence, please forgive me I can't sleep at night

Just in that moment he didn't mind, if he said the trust. He just wanted to desconect of the world, and just see for one more time the owner of his small and hurt heart.

At least not alone

The music desapiered of his ears, and he entered through a memorie. But this one was so diffrent, like if it was in the present, like he was looking through the eyes of another person, like if he was feeling what another person was feeling in present time. He grunt when someone kicked his stomach, but not his. He felt he should cry, but he didn't know why. He felt he should run, but he didn't know where. He felt he should die forever, but he didn't know when.

Suddenly something hit him in his head and he was moved to a side. Looking directly to a puddle of water. He then came back to his body. He opened wide his eyes.

That reflection.

It couldn't be, he was dead.
But what if it was only a memorie. No! That was imposible. He wasn't going to think that.
He was alive. He couldn't resist to smile and feel the wind around him.

He was alive

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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