Chapter 1

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(Alex POV)

     Walking down the hallways at school all I hear are the voices around me never the person next to me or the people trying to call me over to their group of conversation, no I hear everyone else. The little comments about the new teacher in room 208, or how Kelly is in love with Jason but Jason will never know that. I hear the things that people don't particularly want me to hear. I often don't get to class on time because of all of the conversations and voices I listen to. The voices pull me in and I just happen to lose track of time. Its not like I try to ignore the people talking to me as we walk down the hall, I just don't hear them. Brett is really the only person in my life that truly understands me and my reasoning. 

    Three years ago on this very day Brett and I walked out of first period together on the first day of high school for us, we made eye contact as soon as we walked into the busy hallway, we both knew exactly what the other was thinking. 

     "This is going to be a long four years." I almost yelled to him as we started down the hallway to our lockers. Oddly enough our lockers have always been next to each other.

      I saw his lips moving in a response to me, but I couldn't hear him. Instead I heard two overly preppy junior girls chatting about cheer tryouts in a week. 

     I nodded my head and laughed, I had hoped he didn't ask me a question. 

     Over time Brett figured out that I couldn't hear him in the hallways at schools, so he stopped trying. He's the only person in my life that has ever even tried to understand me. Sometimes I wonder why he has stuck with me for so long. But I'm glad he has, he is my best friend and he always will be.

    Brett is taller than me, probably 5'11. He has brown hair with short sides with medium length-ed hair on top. It fits his chiseled face perfectly. He has a nice body, he isn't necessarily built, but he doesn't have any fat.  All of the girls chase after him.  In fact, I'm a little jealous over how much attention he gets from the ladies. 

     I would argue to say that his personality is even better than his dashingly god like looks. Hes funny, sweet, kind, nice, and he's the golden boy. 

     Everyone knows we are as close as possible. But only as best friends. In our sophomore year everyone thought we would be a cute couple.  In fact Cindy came up to me every single day for a week at lunch, telling me I should ask him out because clearly he wasn't going to ask me. I was getting real tired of her constantly coming up to me, so I came out as gay to her. She still hasn't mentioned Brett around me.

    Soon after that everyone in school knew about me being gay, which is not surprising. Cindy is Ms. Popular. Shes captain of the cheer squad, her boyfriend is the quarterback to the schools football team, and shes had a 4.0 since second grade. The only thing about her that isn't cliche is she isn't your typical popular bitch. Sure, she gossips and spreads information about people, but who doesn't? All in all she is no bitch. 

     The good thing about the whole school knowing about me being gay is, I don't have to come out four hundred times. I like being known as Alex, the 5'7 lesbian that is friends with everyone, is a good listener, is best friends with Brett, loves to read, and of course is an open book with everyone. 

     That's who everyone sees me as. They are wrong about one fact. I'm not an open book, I just know how to give off the illusion that I am. Only one person in this world knows my secrets, and that would be the one, the only, Brett Simmons. He reads right through my lies. But he knows I have to lie. I have to lie to everyone that I've ever met. He knows that sometimes, I'm not even the one lying through my own teeth. I lie to save people. He understands that, and sometimes he'll lie for me. He understands what I go through, that's why he's my best friend. He knows I'm never alone, and he understands that. He knows that I'm hiding something that would hurt everyone if they found out.

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