Chapter 2

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       Whispers fill my thoughts. My head is full of my own personal white noise. White reminds most of silence, silence that is so powerful it rings in your ears for hours until you eventually forget that the silence is there. But my white silence is like screams that fill the empty spaces in my head. Hurtful words being repeated over and over by the silence. My nightmares are filled with this white silence. And those nightmares slowly leak into my reality. 


       I woke up to the garage door opening and closing. I grabbed my phone to check the time, knowing it had to be late. 

      The light from my phone illuminated the room. I checked the time, half passed one in the morning. I put my phone back down and glanced over to Brett. He was snoring quietly with his head on one of our teal pillows. 

      I studied his face, noticing how young he looked when he was sleeping. His cheeks puffed out with every snore. He was biting his lip and smiling, he must be having a good dream. 

     I fixed my long dark brown hair, and rubbed my face. I left my makeup on last night. Standing up I turned the TV off and grabbed Brett's and my trash from last night. Heading into the kitchen I saw my mom grabbing some leftovers from the fridge. 

    "Hey mom, you stayed really late, everything okay?" I said as I reached for a glass from the cabinet. She turned to me, I could see the dark circles under her eyes. She hasn't been getting much sleep lately. She is a few inches taller than me, she was the same dark brown eyes as I do, and we have the same body frame. Curvy, with a little bit of weight. We are the exact same person.  

    "Oh, work was good, just busy, you know, just the usual." She said sighing. "What are you still doing up? You have school tomorrow and so does Brett." She whispered glancing into the living room, catching a glimpse of Brett. 

     "Brett came over last night, we watched a movie and then fell asleep while watching the sequel. I just woke up, I got a few hours of sleep, don't worry mom. I love you, get some rest mom, you need it." I said kissing her cheek.

      "Okay Alex, Goodnight, I love you too." I heard her say to me as I walked into the living room, checking on Brett one more time before I went upstairs. 

    Walking into my room, I saw my cat, Jinx. She was sitting in the middle of my bed purring softly. Jinx has black fur and piercing green eyes. My mom bought Jinx in the middle of her divorce with my dad. She didn't want me to feel alone when she couldn't be home with me. 

      I closed my door behind me and slipped of my converse, then I took off my skinny jeans, changing into a pair of shorts. I left on my T-shirt, figuring it was comfortable enough to sleep in. 

      "How was your day Jinx?" I asked my cat as I lied down on my bed. I knew I wouldn't get an answer other than a meow, but I couldn't stand the silence in my room. I've never liked the sound of no one talking. 

      So instead of listening to the terrifying silence, I let my brain engulf me in my thoughts till I fell asleep. 


      I looked into my mirror in my bathroom, I noticed my eye makeup was a little darker than I normally wore it. Any other day I would have fixed it, but today I was running out of time. 

      Glancing into the mirror one last time I walked downstairs to find my mom and Brett having a conversation in the kitchen.  Brett was wearing his extra pair of jeans and T-shirt that he keeps here.

      "Good morning sweetie, I made eggs and there is coffee in the pot. Help yourself. I've got to head to work, we've got a potential new client coming in today. Love you." She said as she put her lid on her thermos. On her way out she kissed my cheek and the top of Brett's head. 

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