Chapter One: Weekend Overseas Work...yay.

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Delphine's POV

I heave a huge sigh. I hate being away from Cosima but as the Director of DYAD Institute, I had to fly out to Zurich for the weekend for a series of conferences. It infuriates me that I was only told about this the last minute when my lovely girlfriend and I have already had our weekend planned. We were supposed to have this small road trip to a small cabin by the lake owned by Scott's family and spend quality time together--a thing we rarely get to do since I've accepted the corporate position. Cosima understands me though. She knows I have to do it to be able to help find cure for her disorder. She also knows that my being the institute's director would be very useful in keeping her and her sisters safe.

Now I am on the plane, looking out the window, wishing I am back home. I wish I am cuddled up with my petit chiot and eating Eskimo pies.

I fish my phone from my purse, unlock it and stare at its wallpaper. It's my favorite picture of the two of us together, with huge smiles on our faces. Cosima took it when we got baked in our lab's "chillzone". We were holding hands while I was still holding a plastic bag filled with helium.

I smile as I look at the picture. That moment was really fun. I have never experienced that much fun all my life. And I have Cosima to thank for that.

All my life, I have never met anyone else quite like her. So carefree, so full of life. Unlike me. I grew up being told what to do, what to wear, and how to act around people. I guess being the daughter of two brilliant Parisian scientists, being close to perfect was expected of me.

Meeting Cosima turned my life 180 degrees. She made me loosen up and see the beauty life has to offer. And I love her even more for it.

"Doctor Cormier, we are about to land in Zurich. We have to fasten our seatbelt." My assistant, Hannah, says. I nod, realizing I must've been distracted I didn't notice the seatbelt lights turn on and the plane slowly descending into the sea of clouds.

"Tell me something, Hannah." I say, breaking the silence. "It's not fair, is it?"

My 24-year-old assistant frowns, "I'm not sure I understood the question, Doctor Cormier." I turn to face her, "I know you've already had plans for the weekend as well before getting dragged into this." I gesture the plane, a small sigh laced in my voice.

"Oh, that." Hannah replies, disappointment flashing in her eyes but is immediately gone. Professionalism taking over, she gives me a small smile. "I knew we have work to do, Doctor. It's fine."

I lean back into my seat and smile tiredly. I know that disappointed look. I saw it on Cosima's face when I got the call from Topside when we were cuddling while watching a documentary in the living room of our apartment. It is the same look that broke my heart I almost told Topside I wasn't going if it wasn't for Cosima stopping me. She said it's okay and that we can re-schedule our little trip anytime when I get back. Reluctantly, I agreed and a few minutes later I was escorted into a private het where Hannah was waiting for me.

And here we are, about to land in Zurich. Yay.

The male flight attendant opens the jet's door and I stand up, Hannah hot on my heels. We walk until we get out of the tarmac and we are escorted again to a black limo.

I sigh again. Time for work.


"Merde!" I mutter to myself as Hannah and I are walking back to my hotel room. The two-day conference just ended. It went quite well, but it seems the people who controlled Topside weren't that concerned with Cosima's health as of the moment. Whenever I steered the topic back to the issue at hand, they were able to go around it and forget I even said anything about it. Something is up, and I can feel it. I can only hope they aren't thinking of making Helsinki happen again..

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