Shield of Achilles

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Kauai's outfit is on the left and Baja's outfit is on the right

Kauai's outfit is on the left and Baja's outfit is on the right

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Kauai's P.O.V
"Come on Baja we are going to be late for school!" I yelled at my twin sister. "Kauai hold on I am almost done getting ready!" She yelled back. Me and my sister are like any other siblings. Fight all the time but then make up 2 minutes after. I am really good friends with Max Cooperman and I am dating someone that I really don't love and his name is "the wonderful Ryan McCarthy". My sister is dating one of his little groupies and she is in love with him. I don't know why though I mean they are horrible people in my book but anyway I have to get to school.
~~~~~~~skip the ride to school~~~~~~
I am sitting in class bored as ever talking to all of my friends when I hear "what symbol or symbols might suggest a less vainglorious attitude towards Warfare?" "Anyone?" "Ms.Miller" Then I replied with a smart elect reply saying " sorry you lost me at vainglorious" and the whole class started chuckling. Then the teacher back fired and said " come on  have you even read the poem, Watched the movie?" I just shook my head. Then this really cute boy I think he is new because I have never seen him before said "it's the um, Shield of Achilles suggest life's normal War, friends are family or what is that stake" I then was flattered that a guy so cute could know so much because all the other attractive guys are big jerks. Then the teacher snapped me out of my trance and said "not bad for your first day Mr.Tyler". I knew it he is new  I thought but got interrupted by the bell signaling that school was finally almost over. It was now lunch time the time I dreaded most. Only because Ryan gets to be a big jerk to everyone including me. Also I hated lunch time because it is supposed to be time for you and your friends to talk but instead for me I have to follow what ever Ryan says. After lunch and a couple more classes school was finally out and I was so exited because Ryan was throwing a party and of course I was going. As me and my friends were pulling out of school I saw that guy named Jake Tyler. When I saw him I said with a smile "hey there is this party tonight want to go" then he said back with a little smirk "are you going to be there" then my gay friend had to ruin the moment and said "well no, she is inviting you to a party she is not going to". Then  "well if you decide to go here is the address" I said smiling giving him the piece of paper with the address on it. He then smiled and walked away. After he got about 3 steps away I asked him if he wanted a ride he said "no I am good".

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