Rules and Regulations

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There are just a handful of rules that you must follow in order to receive a review.

1) Please do not comment in-line. No OC form that is submitted via in-line comment will be accepted. In-line comments cause a lot of unnecessary work and make it difficult for me to properly ensure that everyone is receiving their reviews. Please do not send forms in to my PMs and especially do not send them in to my main account because I absolutely will not remember to get to your character and I might not even open the PM at all. 

2) Please use the form provided and answer each question. If you do not use the form provided, I will not give you a review. I don't have a lot of time to do these reviews and having to sift through which parts of the form are relevant and which parts are extras that I have to pretend to care about. 

4) Please put the word 'mogpog' at the bottom of your form, so that I know you read the rules. If your form does not include this word at the bottom, I will not review your OC.

5) Fill out the entire form, do not add extra information to the form. If there is something that you feel absolutely must be on your form then put it in the designated 'other' area. 

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