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Blaine's pov

Kurt was still in the hospital after he tried to kill himself we never spoke off it. we laughed,joked about i knew he did not want to talk about it so i didn't make him talk about it. I just wish he was okay. This is all because of me and i now haved to take the guilt.  I hate myself for putting him in this place

Kurt= Blaine wake up babe 

Blaine= morning beautiful 

Kurt= morning you should go home youve been here for almost a week with me, youve missed so mush school Blaine

Blaine= they know why ive missed it and they boys are helping me out with something for you. Do you remember the house i got for us well they have been round for the past 4 days moving everything in so as soon as you get out we will have our own house. Why are you crying 

Kurt= because im happy Blainey. This is happening im moving in with the love of my life. Things are going to be okay 

Blaine= you will be okay Kurt but..

Kurt= can we avoid the topic 

Blaine= I don't want to argue Kurt but sometime we are going to talk about what happened.

Kurt=  can you go check when I can leave this place. Blaine please just ask them 

Blaine= okay okay im going hold on 



After about 5 minutes Blaine walked in with the doctor behind him 

Blaine= they want to talk to you do you want me to leave 

I grabbed a hold of his hand to make sure he knew he was staying 

Doctor= i can see You have had a past of depression and self injury Kurt 

Kurt= Yes i have 

Doctor= Im going to give you some tablets to take that will make you feel better. You can check out today nut make sure you take your tablets. Mr Anderson take care of him 

the doctor walked out leaving me and Blaine in silence 

Kurt=  tablets?  how are they going to make me happy 

Blaine= they are anti-deppresions Kurt. I was one them when Lucy died they help

Kurt= will you help me get my clothes on 

He helped me put my clothes on, I got my clothes on,got my tablets and signed out 

Blaine= shall we go to the new house 

Kurt= I can not wait 


We got a taxi cab about 50 minutes later we arrived outside the new house 

Kurt= wow

Blaine= this is for you. this house is mine and yours hopefully when we are ready we can adopt some children and this house will become a family. I just want you happy Kurt. Even though some days are going to be hard i know it is and you dont need to deny it im here for you whenever you need 3am iwake me up i dont mind i would rather be awake with you then you be sad hurting yourself 

Kurt= Blaine at this moment Im so happy. I need you now 

Blaine= are you sure? you have just got out of hosptial

Kurt= im fine bedroom now 

Blaine= i love you so much 





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