Rain Training

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Neville planned to meet him before his morning practice. Neville detested early mornings, but he knew he had to do it for Hermione.

Viktor watched the English boy storm into the empty hall. He seemed determined and when he sat opposite him, Viktor took a moment away from his porridge to entertain the boy.
"I am here for Hermione." He began and instantly he gained Viktor's attention.
"The Triwizard tournament might be important to you, but think of what you'll have left once it's over, even if you win. She has already given up on the idea that you might care, there is no way that she will be there this time next year." Viktor sat back and sighed. Neville was right, he knew that. But how could he maintain both parts of his life?
"Listen, you are the fittest man here, and one of the most intelligent. There is no way that you are not going to Hogwarts this year. If anything, with all this training, you will burn out before you even get there." Neville lectured him. When Viktor thought about it, the boy had a point.
"I'm not telling you to stop training, just take a little time out of your day to go and see her, to let her know you have not forgotten." Neville did not wait for an answer, he stood and left Viktor, feeling guilty.

Hermione had no idea that Neville had done anything. She simply went about her day as usual. However, after dinner, Neville had to go to tend to his plants, so Hermione was left to her glass work on her own. Blowing glass had become such a joy for her, she could let her mind wander and be truly relaxed. She was almost finished when she saw him. He was lingering outside the door and Hermione could not think why he wouldn't come in. So, she quickly finished off, packed her away her things and left the room.

Viktor had been waiting for her to finish, he didn't want to disturb her. She almost bumped into him when she left the classroom. She looked up at him, eyes wide and hair exploding around her face. He was lost for words, she had not been this close in weeks.
"Hello." She began, wanting the moment of silence to end.
"Hello." He mirrored her. The moment continued and neither one knew what to do.
"How is your training going?" She asked, walking away from the classroom, hoping that she had ended the awkward silence.
"Is good, but I haff been vorking too hard." He looked down at the floor. Hermione nodded.
"I see. Sometimes there is such a thing as too much exercise." Viktor nodded in agreement.
"How is your family?" She asked, wondering how Ada and Andon were.
"They are vell." He answered. His responses were short and Hermione wondered if he wanted to speak at all.
"How are you?" He asked as they walked.
"I'm okay. Studying and more studying really." She smiled up at him.
"Haff you heard from Harry or Ron?" He asked and she shook her head.
"Neville has helped me an awful lot. We spend quite a lot of time together." Hermione smiled to herself, thinking of her friendship with Neville and Viktor felt the green fire of jealousy burn in his stomach.

Once they got to her room, Viktor wished Hermione a good night and left. He did not embrace her, he did not kiss her, he just left. Hermione cried that night as she laid alone in her bed, she never thought it would come to this, she never thought she would feel this way.

Hermione expected Neville to be stood behind the door when she heard a knock in the morning. However, she was shocked to see Viktor there, stood with an ashamed look on his face.
"Vould you eat vith me?" He asked bashfully. Hermione nodded, her eyes still falling closed.

They did not need to speak, there was nothing to say, truthfully speaking. They knew what was happening in each other's lives and the most important thing was for them to be together.

Viktor felt calm when he was with Hermione. He had been so fuelled up with aggression from his sports that he had forgotten to take a moment for himself. Their silence was so different to his usually noisy life. So he sat back and relished it. He watched her writing her letter once she had finished her porridge and wondered who she was writing to.

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