Aren't You Forgetting Something? [Chapter 21]

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It was still very much dark when I awoke Lilac...

With a soft brush of my nose across her cheek.

Draven and Autumn were obscured shadows outside the den opening.

Entirely alert with not a trace of drowsiness left in them.

We're leaving now.

We should be back by late afternoon.

Take care of yourself, until then, Lilac.”

My whispers were rushed, urgent and dishearteningly blank.

I turned to leave.

Aren't you forgetting something?”

She said aloud.

Smiling with gleeful bliss as I whisked around.

Feasting upon the lovely glow her eyes offered me as I roughly nudged her muzzle.

I love you.

Don't you dare ever forget that, my Lilac.”


His words filled the den until I feared it might burst open.

Then he was gone.

And I was left with nothing but the empty space beside me.

I had this dreading premonition sitting idle within the depths of my subconsious brain.

Mid morning.

The nauseating anxious tingling in my gut was unbearable.

I paced...

From the giant spruces to the den.

Every moment literally dragged.

I now wished that I had gone with my pack...

Instead of being left with nothing to do but wait

Fading Howls (IN THE PROCESS OF MAJOR EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang