Mixed With His Blood [Chapter 24]

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My jaws dropped from their muzzle...

An edgy breath.


His beaten body crisscrossed with harsh, deep scars.

Flowing from them was blood...enough of it to permanently dye the frost.

It was always enthralling to view your mate's blood for the first time.

It was said that, during this time, you would know if you had made the right choice in a lover...

By observing the original designs and patterning that churned forever in their life juice.

Blood was a wolf's identity.

Blood was our soul.

The other wolf limping behind him...

And who appeared far worse off...

Was Draven.

Whose grief streamed freely from his eyes and mixed with his blood...

Splashing onto the snow.

His leg was a disturbing sight.

Twisted and contorted...

The flesh exposing the bone.

But the worst injury that Draven had received...

That I had yet to realize...

Was that of a broken heart.

Damian sank down onto his belly...

Draven collapsing beside him with a painful wheeze...

Perilously straining for a breath or two.

I managed to brainwash myself in believing that returning to merciless reality was a good idea.

What...what happened?”

I performed an icy croak..

My voice shaky, brittle and too low in my throat.

I wasn't exactly sure yet on how to vocalize my emotions.

An essentially imperceivable tear of Damian's now joined Draven's on the snow.

Snow...Drake...they...they ambushed us...just as we were approaching their territory...they knew we were coming...it was pure bloodshed...Autumn...”

Damian gulped as Draven exploded into a fit of calamitous sobs.

Being self-indulged I...

I had not even noticed that Autumn was not among them.

They...they killed her.”

Draven whispered in unforeseen cognition.

The horrifying pain echoing from his simple, cryptically direct words.

I felt as if I had been stung by a thousand wasps.

They killed her?”

I looked to Damian for honest confirmation.

Draven withered himself desolately into the ground.

Yes...it was a...a lethal bite to the back of her neck...D-....”

Drake killed her!”

Draven bellowed maniacally....

Proceeding to howl...

Expressing his deathly sorrow to the stars that sat among the gods.

I couldn't wipe the astonishment off my clueless face.

It was evident that I had undeniably underestimated the modest, bashful wolf that had almost seemed glued to my sister's heels.

Right now, my own soul craved for the sweetness of revenge...

But I also knew that I had to take care of Damian and Draven's injuries quickly...

Before infection set in...

And so, ignoring my subtle hunger for the whole story, I abruptly cut off Damian just as he was about to speak again.

We will discuss later...”

I struggled to make strong-willed insistence sprout in my flat tone...

First, we need to get you two fixed up...

Especially you, Dr---...”

Before I could even finish rolling his name off my wetted tongue...

I was hindered by an eardrum bursting mourning howl from Draven.

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