The Admirer

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"We'll make camp here," Aimery announced as the blue sky dimmed to indigo.

They had walked for the entire day without stopping, and Nerys' was exhausted from the effort of navigating the difficult terrain without the use of her arms for balance. She watched Aimery closely as he and his fellows set to work starting a fire and preparing camp. They didn't seem too concerned with their captives. Dadien, who had been brooding silently the entire day, announced that he needed to relieve himself.

Aimery didn't look up from his task.

"Then go."

"I am sure the princess does not want to see that."

"Fine. Micah, Enoch, take him."

The men hesitated. "You sure you need both of us for that, sir? What about the girl?"

"I can handle her. In fact, we have some catching up to do." Aimery wiped his hands an stepped toward his subordinate. "And you will not question me again. Ever."

The larger man demurred.

"Yes. Forgive me."

He hoisted Dadien to his feet and the trio went crashing through the woods.

"Mmffree," Nerys mumbled through the the gag.

"What's that?" Aimery crossed to her and removed the cloth.

Nerys recognized it now. It was cut from an Esidiem cloak.

"Aimery," she said thickly.

Her mouth and throat were painfully dry.

"So, you do remember me? Funny the effect a few hours without the distraction of a smart mouth can have," he said as he methodically wound the cloth back around his wrist.

"What?" Nerys said slowly.

It felt impossible for Nerys to even think in complete sentences, let alone articulate one.

"You must be dehydrated. I know your mind is much sharper than that." He tilted contents of a flask to her cracked lips. "Even though you were happy to hide in Kalea's shadow, you always carried yourself very... proudly. You still do; even after being passed between princes like a common inn-maid. What I don't understand is why you are content to let them use you like this."

"I didn't have a choice," Nerys said.

"Really? I'm sure I heard you choose to marry Prince Dadien."

"Why should that matter to you?"

Nerys twisted at her bindings, despite knowing that they were no looser than when she first started fidgeting with them that morning.

"Because you matter to me, Nerys. Unlike your princes, I am not interested your title, or your kingdom, or any power you may hold. Just you."

"What are you talking about? We have only ever spoken once. You know nothing about me," Nerys said.

"I know a great deal more than you think. I have been watching over you for a long time, but Trygve instructed me to keep my distance."

Nerys stopped working at her bindings and stared at the pale man.


"Yes. He came to the Esidiem a few years ago to recruit new guards after an attack in the palace. I was initially selected, but Trygve would not accept me as a guard because of my father's role in the incident."

"I remember that. Kalea wanted to join, but we were turned away because we were too young. I never saw Trygve there."

"Because he didn't want anyone to. Trygve liked to give the impression someone else was running the show. He met me in private and promised to keep my secret in exchange for my service."

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