Chapter 3

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Somonè and Hazel outfit in the media.

So its 10 now so I'm about to get Somonè and me dressed and then feed her. I brush my teeth and flat iron my hair. When I'm finish flat ironing my hair I pick Somonè up out of the bed, and when I start to go down the stairs I hear Jonathan's voice. My mom says, "Hey baby, look what the wind blew in." "Yes mother, I see." I sit across from Jonathan and play with Somonè like he isn't sitting there. "Hey there momma baby. Ain't that momma baby. Yes it is, yes it is." I say in a baby voice and making her laugh. So I look at Jonathan and he says "Can I hold Somonè?" "Sure why not." I say smiling at him giving him Somonè. "So are you staying with me to show Somonè to my family?" "No babe I have to work, I have a meeting remember?" "Ok honey. Whatever you say." So I grab Somonè out of his hands and sit her in her play pin. I have alot of stuff over here for when she's over here with my mom. I go in the kitchen kiss my mom on the cheek and started fixing Somonè's bottle. My mom, dad, brothers, sister, granny, uncles and aunties are here to see Simonè. We stayed there and talked, laughed and played with the baby for a couple of hours since they came a little early.

So now I'm at Jonathan's mom house and I see his car in the driveway. I take a deep breath, get Simonè out her car seat, get her bag and grab my purse. I go to the door and knock on it. Jonathan comes to the door and says "Hey babe." Trying to kiss my lips. I turn me head so he kisses my cheek. "I thought you weren't coming cause you had a meeting?" "Well I did but I decided to come." He says closing the door. I laugh a little knowing his ass lying. So all of Jonathan's family is in the livingroom lauging and talking, and soon as I come through the door they start crying, laughing, talking, kissing me and making Simonè laugh making me laugh. I go to the kitchen to get some water and Jonathan follows me. "Hey babe." "Do you call your assistant that to or you just have sex with her." I say smiling and drinking some of my water. He takes a deep breath and says "Look babe me and my assistant has nothing sexual going on okay." Trying to come close to me. I move back pushing his hands away. I lightly start craying. "You gone stand here and lie to me saying your not cheating on me?" "Baby I promise I'm not lying." I shake my head, "Yo ass come home smelling like some cheap ass perfume and yo ass wasn't there for me when I went into labor and yo ass want to say, you needed the the money. Get the hell out my face Jonathan cause I'm at yo momma house and I don't want to cause a scene if I get mad, okay. I say wipping the tears off my face. I grab my water and walk out of the kitchen into the livingroom where everyone else is laughing and playing with the baby. Hours went by, when Simonè feel asleep we talked about grown up people stuff and then the his mom asked "How are you and Jonathan holding up?" I looked at Jonathan and before he could say anything I inturupted him and said "I'll tell you later when it's just me and you, ok." I stood up and said my good bye to everyone and left. I stoped to get Simonè some formula and got me a Strawberry Mango salad and went home. I ate, feed Simonè, and washed her and put her to bed. When I was about to take a shower Jonathan came to the room and started to get undressed. He came behind me wrapping his arms around me pressing his dick on my ass and whispered "I love you." When he said that I smelled all the liqur on his breath. He said "Want to take a shower together?" "No I'll think I'll pass, and why in the hell you smell like that same perfume and drinking ?" He was about to say something then I inturupted him. "Jonathan honey, you don't have to explain a got damn thing to me okay. I already know you cheating on me. Why won't you just be a fucking man to me and be honest with me and your self, hell your damn daughter in the other room be honest for her." He just standing there with a dumb look on his face. "You know what? Just go take your shower okay?" I walk out into our bedroom and a lettet is on the dresser with a rose on it. I opened it and it said, "Look baby I have noticed you had a problem with my female assistant so I switched it out so I can have a male assistant, the reason why I have been working late is because I'm getting a raise and I'm getting a promotion, so please bare with me. Can you forgive me?" I walk in the bathroom and look at Jonathan as he starts to get in the shower. "I forgive you but we have to work through this. I walk out and get in the bed and doze off to sleep

Y'all please bare with me cause In the next chapter I'm going to skip to 3 months. Sorry but it's my first book so I'm trying.


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