His famous brother .. (13)

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,, Yo Y/N " I hear Tessa shout and stand up leaving Kade alone and his little problem

,, Yeah " I say to her

,, Let's film our dance routines " Tessa says

,, Yeah like the old times " I say to her

Tessa gets ready the music while I set up our cameras.

We start dancing the routine at top because I ain't explaining that dance .

We finish our dance while the guys are overwhelmed ,, Nice Job " I say to Tessa

,, You girls are fire " The twins say

,, Damm " Kade says making me giggle

,, So girls are finnaly done " Jake says

,, And ?" I ask him

,, I think the guys got boners " Jake says

,, Jake stop anyoing Y/N " Tessa says and hugs me

,, Yeah stop annoying me with your kinky Jokes " I say to him and punch his shoulder

,, How did you guys meet ?" Chad asks

,, At Dance class " I say to him ,, We had to dance together and we became instant friends " I say to them

,, Yeah she kicked my ass " Tessa says

,, That was one time " I say to her

,, You have any other talents ?" Kade asks

,, I have " I wink at him ,, Some of them are private " I say to them and a lot of ohs come from the sides

,, Tell me one of them " He says and gets closer to me

,, Let me think the most PG talent " I say to him he seems surprised ,, I can roast people " I say to him

,, Roast me " He says making me surprised

,, I can't " I say to him

,, Why ? " He asks

,, You just are to sweet to roast "

,, Damn Y/N " Jake says

,, Okay but I am going to the store to pick something to eat . You guys need something? " I ask them

The boys told me to get biggest array of foods . From simple donuts to spanish meals that I couldn't pronounce . I wrote everything down .

 I wrote everything down

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By : Y/N

Because I am felling lucky

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I arrive at the store and get my list .

I walk around the aisles and look for things that boy's and girl's asked for . I feel a tap on my shoulder . I look back to see a blond guy with blue eyes ,, What a cute girl like you is doing all alone in here ?" He asks he seems like a sweet guys , but he isn't my type

,, Just shopping " I say to him and show the full shopping cart ,, You know because I am at a store that sells food " I say to him and grab some spanish food for the twins

,, May I ask for your number? " He asks me .

,, Sorry " I say to him ,, but I have a boyfriend " I say to him and pull I have a boyfriend card that I hate to use

,, Sorry " He says ,, This was for a video " He says and point's to the camera

,, You are a YouTuber? " I ask him

,, Logan Paul the one and only " He says and I just facepalm he laughs ,, Something is wrong ? " I ask him

,, You are Jake's brother right ?" I ask him and he nods ,, What a surprise I am buying food for him and his fam " I say to him

,, I knew you seemed familiar " He says ,, I liked few of your pictures on Instagram " He says

,, Yeah and by the way I don't have a boyfriend. Just I fancy someone else " I say to him

Thank you for reading my story and sorry for the mistakes!! Don't forget to vote!! Love you guys so much!! ❤

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