@Y/N livestream (57)

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Mixed pov (Y/N and nobody's)

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Mixed pov (Y/N and nobody's)

,, What's up guys ?" You ask few thousand people watching your livestream

,, Hey guys " Kade says and hugs his hands around you

,, We have some big news for you all " You say to your livestream seing comments going crazy

,, Y/N and I are expecting a baby " Kade says and lifts your shirt up revealing a small baby bump kissing it making you giggle

,, We found out today " I say ,, That I am pregnant for 2 months already " You say laughing ,, Wow it's so weird to say it "

,, Because Y/N is pregnant " Kade says ,, She isn't going to be on Instagram that much "

,, I promise that our little one is going to be seen by you all " You say as Kade gives you a kiss on your cheek

,, Y/N and I are moving in together " Kade says and hugs you around your waist tighter

,, This is just making us both closer together " You say

,, The little one " Kade says rubbing your stomach ,, Is going to be our joy "

,, It was unexpected but it's not bad news it's amazing news " You say

What's gucci?

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