I'm FREE FALLING *Cue the music*

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Victoria POV.

Huh? What's this? It looks like a letter I said to my friend Dayana. "Ya I got one too it just appeared in my hand?" She said. I opened the letter it said, "You have been chosen because of your unique ability to come to the Little Gardens!" The Little Gardens I said? As I said it I felt weird, wait what? Then I stated to feel like I was falling. I looked down and no wonder- WAIT WHAT IM FALLING!?!? "WHAT ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH IS GOING ON!" Dayana yelled. We looked over as we fell through the air and saw a girl with a giant jug and another guy, his hair looked like a blue cloud and he had deer antlers fitted on the sides of his pants, it looked kinda like his weapon,(hair like Kelly but a guy in star vs the forces of evil)but they seemed really calm? Like what how could they be calm we are literally falling to their doom, but hey they're not the only ones! Suddenly the one with the jug lifted up the jug and some water started to splur out it carried the two together and slowly brought them down to the river! "HEY RUDE AND RUDER WHAT ABOUT US???" I shouted! The one with the blue hair took the antlers off of his leg and sent them flying at us like a boomerang? They got us by our shirt collars and carried us to the water like boomerangs? He took the antlers and set them back where they were. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name is Victoria and she is Dayana" I said. "I thought it was rude and ruder but that was before you saved us" I said remarkably. "Be careful I will send you flying off of this water" a tall dark haired girl said. "My name is Ciara" she said after. "I'm Dominic" he said with a giggle. He seemed like a little kid but he looked the same age as us. "Okay we are almost at ground level, I'm gonna let us fall into the water from here" Ciara said. "YAY YAY YAY" Dominic said. And then, we fell. We submerged under the water and first Dominic was in front of me, then he was behind me, he was all over? He's a fast little dude but still that wasn't his ability. I already know everyone else's. We came up from under the water, "what's your ability?" I decided to ask. "Punch me as hard as you can" he said. "Just warning you, I have super strength" I said. "Perfect" he said. I punched him and then he was gone, I turned and he was there? "I have enhanced senses, agility, and hunting instincts, they help me in battle" he said. "Oh?" I said."Well we might as well try to find a place where there are people, maybe they have clothes we can change into that aren't soaking wet" Dayana said. "And maybe we can get some answers" I said while clenching my fist. "OOH OOH AND MAYBE WE CAN HAVE FUN!" Dominic said. "And we can travel here too" Ciara said. "Let's get on our way" Dayana said. And that was how it all started, that's how the New Problem Children In Town began...

Was it good? I think his is the longest chapter I have ever wrote in my life, but it's not that long 😂
Working on cover, hopefully done soon!

New Problem Children In Town? That Means More Destruction, Doesn't It?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu