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Chapter 2


Araceli Danger held on tight to her leather bag as she pushed through the giant crowd of people. They didn't notice her shoves or even her attempts to be polite once she asked for them to move out of the way.

It was the same as every year with strangers who each lived a different version of a life she could have had. Whether they be muggle or wizard, Araceli had hoped for a simple life but like usual, she did not get what she wished for.

The people wore masks that were haunting to Araceli. They looked genuine with smiles on their faces, but in reality they were just carved upon their lips. It was almost like they had gone through plastic surgery to seize the frowns that used to adorn their very faces.

Fake. They were fake. She felt like a ghost in the crowd of masked people, helplessly drifting along a rocky path that was her life.

Before the war Araceli could look people in the eye. She wasn't closed off from society and she was popular in her friend group. Now, she kept her distance.

As she took her first step onto the train, she hesitated seeing all of the familiar faces of her fellow classmates. They all seemed worn out, their faces looking older with a gaunt expression behind their lying eyes. They smile to each other as if nothing happened but there was something that kept them from discussing the topic.

They each lie through their teeth replying to their friends that the rest of the summer went well. That they were excited to get back and graduate. Araceli kept from rolling her eyes as she pulled back the door to a compartment. How could anyone be happy coming back to Hogwarts at a time like this? Araceli hadn't had any time to mourn the loss of two of her closest friends.

In the doorway, she nearly gasped upon seeing someone she had never expected to  be on the train back to Hogwarts — Draco Malfoy. He sat almost against the window with his elbow propped up on the arm of the seat. A finger pressed against his lips with narrowed eyes looking out of the window.

He looked the same as last year with white blonde hair and pale silver eyes. Draco's hair had grown out though, curling at the ends and pushed back in the front. It was a shaggy kind of look, something she never would have expected him to have. He looked healthier with his cheeks filled in and his complexion glowing.

Araceli felt herself panic not knowing whether she should back out of the compartment or to step in, but she knew Draco had noticed her once she opened the slidding door. If she saw correctly, he had almost flinched at the sudden sound of her entrance.

"S'alright if I join you?" Her golden eyes widened at how stupid she sounded, drawing out the first word like that. Draco hadn't seemed to notice, in fact, he didn't really seem to want to acknowledge her. Araceli was almost glad—the boy nearly intimidated her. He was, afterall an ex-death eater. How was he allowed to attend Hogwarts again?

Taking a careful seat across from the Malfoy boy who continued to stare out the window, she placed her leather bag on the floor. The train then began moving with a slight jolt causing the two to sway. She ran a hand through her hair and let out a tired sigh. This attracted Draco's attention, his silver eyes glancing over at her. They felt cold and judgmental, something Araceli had grown accustomed to throughout her years at Hogwarts.

"Why are you sitting on this side of the train?" The question seemed less rude in her head and she instantly wanted to take it back with the angry look that suddenly appeared on his face. She was about to apologize for invading his buisness when he answered,

"I couldn't stand the looks they were giving me." This ate away at Araceli's heart. It brought a cold feeling in the pit of her stomach because she understood exactly what he meant. Even though it might have been during different circumstances, she knew and she felt bad for the Slytherin boy.

Within an hour she fell asleep. Her head rested uncomfortablely against the window causing a strain in her neck once she woke up hours later. She was surprised once she noticed Draco was still seated in front of her, but he was slumped against the seat with arms tucked in his jacket. He too was asleep.

The train haulted with a screech arriving at a destination Araceli only knew now as a battleground. She stood from the seat briefly looking at Draco while taking her bag and exiting through the door quickly.

The trip up to Hogwarts was not as bad as she expected it to be. For once it was not raining like the years prior, possibly it was a good sign?

Araceli couldn't believe she came back to the place her classmates died, but she wanted to prove to herself that she would not let the past control her. She had a goal and that goal was too graduate from Hogwarts, no matter the struggles.

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