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Chapter 4


It was odd knowing Araceli should have graduated three months ago, but here she was starting her seventh year all over again. It was hell before the war, being forced to use unforgivable spells on your fellow classmates. She was tortured countless times, seemingly being the one Alecto Carrow liked to pick on.

She lost count at fifteen for how many times she got the Cruciatus Curse casted on her in one day. They told her it was punishment for little things; in the morning it was because she spilled a drop of ink on her parchment, another for answering the question wrong, in the afternoon it was because she stepped out of line heading to the next class, and the list went on. Araceli remembered having to stay in the hospital wing for two days because the burning sensation of the spell had caused her to break out in blisters.

As she walked down the halls freely during break, Araceli focused on how her flats seemed to flop against her heels. These shoes were still too big on her, she was hoping she would grow into them.

"I guess not." Araceli whispers to herself. She pulls her robe closer once she crosses over through the courtyard. It looked very different from the way she remembered it. It had a very large enchanted fountain in the center of the yard. In the middle of the fountain stood a seven foot tall marble tree and carved into the tree on each side were the house crests.

A snake for Slytherin wrapped around one of the branches, occasionally sticking out it's tongue licking the air. On another branch sat a badger, growling with watchful eyes. The Gryffindor lion rawred loudly, jumping from the pool of water and clinging onto the trunk. Araceli watched with amazment as it climbed up to it's own branch, the snake attempting to strike it when it got too close. The rivalry was even existent on a statue!

Lastly, was the eagle that stood peacefully on the last branch, it crowed a song while looking around. It seemed calm and collected as it pulled it's wing over it's head, attempting to hide itself from the nippy fall breeze.

Araceli admired the fountain, the corners of her mouth twitching up. The eagle peaked it's head out from it's wings staring at her. She felt like she related more to her house crest as it was seated away from the others, alone. It stayed by itself, away from the drama between the other three.

"Beautiful isn't it?" A voice comments from
behind her. Araceli turns and smiles at the person who approaches with hands hidden in her cloak.

"Headmistress McGonagall." Araceli nods her head in greeting, delighted to see her professor. It was odd calling her by her new official name, which McGonagall must have noticed as she waved her hand and rolled her eyes.

"Miss Danger please call me professor. I'm still not used to the label myself." Araceli laughs along with the professor, but soon it dies away only to leave the two in silence. A sadness washes over the young girl, a frown slowly coming across her face remembering her best friend who adored McGonagall.

McGonagall watches the girl with a look behind her eye — pity. But Araceli did not want her pity, for she was not the only one who lost her best friend during the war.

"I should go to class now. It was nice seeing you professor, oh, and I love the new fountain. It really makes the courtyard come to life." Araceli tried her best to send a fake smile but McGonagall wasn't buying it. The professor only frowned with worry-lines adorning her wrinkled face. Before Araceli could break down and cry into McGonagall's arms, she walks away as fast as she could.

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