Chapter 1

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A/N DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO JUST MY CHARACTER AND STORY PLOT. IF THERE IS ANY ART OR IMAGES, THEN I GOT THEM FROM GOOGLE. Let me just say something, my cover pages or any pictures I have are not mines but I do not know who the artist was so I can't mention them. for my cover, I just did the overlay forest background and words on the actual image from google. 

Zara's P.O.V

"Cover your ears and close your eyes. Wait for a few seconds then run as fast as you can sweetie. We love you"

Those were the last words my parents said to me before they were gone, gone for good. If I could only get a glimpse I could figure out who took them. I felt an emotion trigger inside seven-year-old me and soon, everything went black and everything was gone. But where did they go?

Using what I knew about basic survival and fighting skills, I ran. I ran until my legs couldn't go on. I ran until I felt finally safe in the huge dark green forest. I would complete my mother's wish and get the heck out of there and just run far far away. I could feel the tears were dried by the harsh winds blowing in my scared face.

That's where it all began.


8 years later

No one to hold me down. I don't have a bag or pack or a bagpack, I mean a backpack. Same difference. I live in a forest on the border of two villages just in case someone comes over, I can run over to the other side because they won't know that forest as well as their own. If both come at the same time, I'll let them fight it out and run when they do.

Right now I'm heading to a small lake where I get my supply of water and fish. I sit down on the rocks I wear a long kind of shirt dress type thing with the frront stopping at the waist and some black shorts. Also with some knee-high socks and my ninja sandals. Even if I didn't like what I was wearing I couldn't change because I somehow made the village angry and I'm not allowed back. I don't know about the other village, the one to my left. I believe it's the leaf but I haven't talked to any of them so I don't really have a reputation.

I looked at my reflection in the water and I looked like a mess. I looked like I lived in the forest, wich I did. I dipped my hand into the water and brought the droplets to my long brown hair. I did this a couple times until I looked presentable and decent. I didn't need to be brushed or combed because I made sure to detangle it with my fingers. It was a slow process but it worked.

Once I was done I splashed my face with water waking myself up. I am kind of tired because I was up all night being a paranoid crazy thinking someone was watching me. I once again looked at my reflection and sighed.

"How do you do this Zara? How can you just look back at me knowing I'm a failure. All you do is train, alone, eat alone, and talk to yourself. You're soon going to go crazy, wait you already are because you're talking to yourself, myself? Whatever "

I looked away and smiled as a fish swam past my toes. I grabbed my kunai from my pocket and marked another tally on the rock I was next along with all my other marks and tallies.

"I've been here for longer that I thought" I sighed as I looked down the river bank to only see hundreds of marked rocks.

If your wondering I keep my ninja headband on my ankle because I don't want people to instantly see I'm 'from another village' and suddenly attack because that's my job to be like that.I also keep my weapons pouch on my leg where my fingertips end so that in any problem or any attack I could reach in and defend myself.

I filled my hands with water and brought the liquid to my lips then instantly spit it out. I almost drank a fly. I put my legs into the water and sat there for a while kicking my feet back and forth. I wanted to take a bath but I started to feel someone's presence, more like someones. Multiple people? What are they doing in this area?

As if right on cue I heard a noise confirming my suspicion. These ninjas can't stay quiet, can they?

"Who's there?" I mumbled under my breath while pulling out a kunai.

I saw a group of 3 standing a couple meters away. They looked about my age. two boys and one girl to be exact, at least I think. Their sudden appearance scared me. I haven't seen or heard any human voices in years. It kind of felt good, almost, strange.

I pulled a paper bomb from my little pouch and threw it in their direction, obviously, why would I throw it at myself? I took this opportunity to run because that's all I felt to do.

"I don't want to fight you" I yelled from atop a tree while looking at the three.

"Good" one started then appeared next to me, "Because we don't want to either" he smiled slightly while scratching the back of his head.

He had three whisker type things on both of his cheeks. The person had blonde hair and an orange hoodie.

"We're not here to make friends Naruto were on a mission." The second person who was the girl of the group said

"That means you have to come with us, that is if you don't want to fight," he said.

The fact that he approached me means he's not the most strategic so I could run away right now if I wanted to, but for some reason, I didn't. As if I missed being around people. I let them tie my hands together and they started pushing me away.

"Why am I being arrested?"

"We got word that there was someone suspiciously hanging out in the forest we had to bring you to the hokage for further questioning." The one with black hair answered. He gave me a fake closed eye smile and I just rolled my eyes, scoffed, then turned away.

"This'll be interesting"

Zara [A Naruto fanfiction]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt