Chapter 4

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A/N Hey guys. Shorter chapter but it will start to get intense so fasten your seatbelts fam because in 1,000 words I'm about to blow your mind.

Zara's P.O.V

"What's for breakfast?" I asked as I walked into some random room. No one was in there. I knew I had to be at the compound

I opened the next door.

"What's for breakfast?"

Another door

"What's for breakfast?"

I repeated this until one was the dining room. I helped myself. I wandered into the kitchen and grabbed some instant noodles from the pantry and luckily there was boiled water on the stove. I poured the water in the cup and waited a couple minutes. I went back to the sparring grounds where Neji, some girl with Chinese hair buns, and a guy with a green jumpsuit were talking.

I approached them

"pwhey dhoods," I said with a mouthful of noodles. I swallowed my food and cleared my throat.

"Hey dudes," I said again

The girl was just laughing and Neji took my food away.

"You got this from the pantry didn't you?" He said taking a bite. "My house my noodles" And with that, he turned away.

"No, I'm a guest, so my food" the girl with the Chinese hair buns took my food and also took a bite while Neji tried to take it back. Then the guy with the green jumpsuit took it.

"Stop friends! Unless you want to die at a youthful age and waste the youth inside of you, stop eating this nonsense!" With that, he threw the cup of noodles on the floor and I watched the juices leak out.

I wiped a tear from my eye and tackled him to the floor.

"I'll kill you!" I said but my stalker anbu picked me up. Recently they increased the number so I  I had to be extra careful.

I just sat there sulking , until one of us spoke up.

"Oh, Hi I'm Tenten! That's Rock Lee, or just Lee and boys can be idiots, I'm sorry" She stuck out her hand and I shook it.

"Don't get too friendly" Lee warned her as he pulled her hand back. "She literally tried to murder Sakura and Shining my friends" He said making some sort of face. Of course I was not going to pity him.

"Second time this week I've been told that. And I'm Zara by the way" I stuck my hand out my hand out but she seemed unsure, but then she grasped my hand and shook it while smiling. No one tells her what to do I guess.

Lee and Neji just shot her a death glare, but she waved them off.

"You guys seem to get along well" Neji mumbled

"Because she's an easy-going person so far, not how people say she is."

"Yeah right," He said rolling his eyes

"But I am," I said batting my eyelashes at him acting all innocent.

"Well, were going to the stores and you guys are coming!" She said pointing to the guys

"Yes Tenten." they sighed in unison

"Hey! That's queen Tenten to you!"

"Of course our lovely queen Tenten," Neji said almost sarcastically. I just laughed. I loved how she has that kind of control over them.


We stopped by some restaurant because the boys wanted a break but Tenten and I couldn't be more hyped.

when the waiter came I could see him giving having the crazy eyes for Neji.

"Did you see the way she looked at me Tenten!" Lee said overjoyed.

"Yeah, you and totally not the beautiful idiot sitting in front you." She answered sarcastically pointing to me

"Hey, lesbians could like me too!" I protested and Tenten laughed hysterically

She slapped a hand over her knee and all I could do was sit there awkwardly at the table waiting for our food. Of course I was awkward. Anyone would be awkward if they had 10 eyes on them every second of the day. Don't even ask about the bathroom.

After eating, everyone dragged me over because they decided to visit Naruto since he's the one who brought me here. That turd.

I knocked on his door and he opened up clearly waking up from sleep. I looked up and the moon was already in the middle of the sky and it was pitch black.

"Oh meh god..s-sorry!" Tenten laughed nervously

"Nah it's fine. Need a place to crash?" He asked kindly

"No, we're going to the compound" Neji answered coming into his home

I made my way to his bed, stole a pillow and went back to the living room. I cleared some stuff from the floor and put the pillow down. I lay on my back. When I turned around he gave me a weird glare, not friendly or mean just disappointed or no, that's not it. Something else.

"Hahaha, you look funny," Tenten said breaking the silence after she made a top knot with what hair Lee had.

"Hey! I'm not going to stay here the whole night. I don't want to keep Hina and her worried self-waiting at the gate" Tenten joked

"Since you guys are doing that, I guess I'll go elsewhere"

"You can't," Lee told me as if delivering bad news, which it was.

"Everyone kind of has the orders to keep you around us and not go off by yourself in case of emergency."

"But why? I have my five stalkers" I said pointing to the kitchen where two of them stood. Then pointing to the couch where another one sat. Then proceeding to point at the one guarding the door on the inside.

 "And the other one is outside," I said almost reassuring them to let me go.

"Orders are orders. Nothing you can do about it," Neji shrugged

"This is annoying. I'd rather be in jail." I said starting to get up. 

I pulled a kunai from my weapons pouch, not for fighting purposes but then an Anbu took it away from me.

"Hey!" I yelled in protest trying to get it back but then he took the kunai and cut my pouch on my leg. 

"You're confiscating my stuff? Give it back," I said swinging my fist and their mask but another one jumped in front of him and grabbed my fist. 

Then the one from the kitchen came over to grab my pouch but I distracted them by running in circles so that they couldn't catch me. The two from the door brought out their own kunai's and when they threw them at me I used the substitution jutsu and ran outside. Neji appeared outside and turned on his Bakugan and told me to go back inside. That's when Tenten and Lee also rushed out. The anbu then proceeding to tie me in rope and throw me over their shoulder just to take me to the compound.

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