1.1 | I Know What You Did Last Summer

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"I smell pancakes!" I called as I swung the door across the hall open without even bothering to knock since that's how me and my friends operated at this point. My older sister, Riley, was standing in the kitchen, dressed in a grey shirt and mustard yellow jeans that hugged her thin legs. A heavenly aroma was wafting through the kitchen from a pan on the stove.

"Yup! Blueberry banana pancakes." Riley confirmed as she scooped a flat pancake from the pan onto a plate on the counter with a green spatula.

"Blueberry banana pancakes? Funny, because that just so happens to be Ben's favorite breakfast." I pointed out suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at her.

"What? They are? I mean, that's just so... what?" Riley rambled, pretending she hadn't known, though she was anything but discreet as she stacked another pancake on the plate. I stole the fresh pancake and tore it in half, taking a bite out of it.

"You're not that convincing. Especially since you texted me 'What's Ben's favorite breakfast?' this morning." I told her, holding up my phone and threatening to find the text. "But, if you're really trying to get on Ben's good side, add a bit of cinnamon." I suggested, a little more cross than I meant to be. Riley didn't seem to notice my tone, though.

"Well, I am trying to get on his good side." Riley confirmed, rooting through the cupboards to find the cinnamon. To save her from the trouble, I opened the drawer just right of the fridge and grabbed the canister, handing it to her. "I thought I was getting over Ben, but then we danced on the roof at Katie and Dave's wedding last month and, I don't know, I guess all these feelings just came rushing back." Riley explained, staring off sentimentally.

I took a deep breath. I knew Riley had danced with Ben at our cousin's wedding, but not from her calling me excitedly spilling about it, but because I had walked in on it... while I was on my way to tell Ben I was in love with him.

Riley realized she had been going on about Ben and her eyes widened in caution. "You were sure when you said you didn't have feelings for Ben, right? I mean, you're with Warren now." Riley reasoned and I forced a smile.

"Yeah, I am." I confirmed. "I'm... I'm with Warren." I nodded, another fake smile playing on my face. Riley excitedly clapped her hands together as she went back to frying pancakes.

I heard a gasp from the hallway and I looked over to see Ben had woken up and was entering into the living room. He was dressed in a blue t-shirt-- which made his chocolate eyes stand out-- with grey sweatpants, his short hair messy from sleeping. I took another deep breath, in through my nose, out through my mouth, as I tried to ignore the voice in my head that manifested, making sure I took note of how he looked good... so good. "Are you making blueberry banana pancakes?!" he exclaimed, reminding me to snap out of my trance. Sure, he was insanely attractive, especially with his messy bedhead, and soft t-shirt, and smooth stubble, and...

Snap out of it!

"Yup!" Riley answered as she handed him a plate. He happily accepted it and sat next to me at the counter, taking a bite. He smiled gleefully as he looked towards me.

"Morning, Cas." He greeted. He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"Jesus Christ, Ben!" I yelled and stormed out of the apartment while Ben and Riley watched me leave in confusion. I let out a frustrated groan as I pressed my back against the closed door.

"Hey, babe. Everything alright?" My eyes snapped open when I heard a familiar voice. Warren and Danny were stepping out of the elevator, both in athletic shorts and Rangers t-shirts, duffel bags of hockey equipment in their hands.

"Yeah! Yeah, why wouldn't it be?!" I answered, a little too quickly, but Warren didn't seem too suspicious as he draped his arm around me and kissed me on the top of my head. "How was practice?"

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