1.2 | How To Lose A Guy in 10 Seconds

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"Anyone in the mood to congratulate your friendly neighborhood redhead?" I called as I dramatically emerged into the apartment across the hall. Luckily, Ben, Danny, Tucker, Riley, and Bonnie were all there. As I stepped into the living room, Tucker and Danny were enthralled playing a video game on the couch while Riley sat at the counter. Bonnie was standing next to Ben behind the counter, who was preparing a bottle for Emma, who waited patiently in her high chair by the kitchen table.

"Not really, but tell us whatcha got anyways." Bonnie stated bluntly as she poured a glass full of the white wine she had obviously stolen from my apartment across the hall. Normally, I would have called her out on it, but I was in too good a mood to even care as I closed the apartment door behind me and tossed my purse aside.

"You know that buddy cop movie I auditioned for it a few weeks ago?" I jogged their memories and they nodded along. "Well, guess who they just casted in the lead role!" I raved, gushingly happy as I jumped up and down excitedly.

"Jennifer Lawrence?!" Danny answered a little too quickly, jumping up from where he had been sitting on the couch, practically throwing the video game controller to the side.

"Ooh, Channing Tatum?!" Riley said excitedly.

"Please say Channing Tatum!" Tucker chimed in, a little too thrilled about the idea of another Channing Tatum movie.

"No!" I informed them. "Guys! It's me! I just got a huge movie deal!" I announced and their lips parted as they all congratulated me and cheered me on encouragingly. "The movie's being filmed right here in New York, so I don't even have to move!" I added.

"Wait, is this the movie you were telling me about like three months ago?" Ben asked as he set down the bottle he had made for Emma to step forward towards me.

"Yeah! They called me back earlier today and told me they thought my audition was amazing and that I'm perfect for the role!" I recounted the phone call from the casting director I had received earlier today. She had informed me even the director loved me for the role and they were already confident in casting me, though it was very early in the process in creating the movie.

"I'm so proud of you, Cas!" Ben said, thumping me on the shoulder and I smiled in response just before Riley pulled me into a hug.

"This is amazing, Cassie!" She complimented sincerely. She released me, her hands still holding my shoulders when something dawned on her. "You have to call mom and tell her!"

"Riles, Mom doesn't care. She hates that I'm an actress, remember?" I sarcastically reminded her, since I knew she hadn't forgotten how my mother thought I had disgraced the family in becoming an actress rather than a doctor. My mother still spoke to me as little as possible, and when she did, she made sure I knew just how much she lamented my career choices. 'It's not too late to enroll in medical school, you know..."

"And that's exactly why you should call her!" Riley countered. "If you tell her you've just been casted in a huge movie, then maybe she'll start to accept you being an actress!" Riley encouraged, trying to reason with me. It was easier in her mind than mine since Riley had always been the clear favorite of my mother, which never particularly bothered. My mother wasn't exactly my favorite person, either, so the feeling was basically mutual. "You can also tell her you're dating a famous hockey player!" She added.

"I think 'dating's' a little premature, don't you think?" Ben interjected as I took Emma from him and rested her on my hip. "I mean, you and Warren haven't even--"

"Hey! Baby!" I cut him off, pointing at Emma as she burrowed into my t-shirt. "Besides, that's none of your business!" I reminded him. I used to be much more open with Ben about what was going on in my dating life, but ever since I had realized I was in love with him, and especially after I discovered he might have feelings for my sister, I was less than enthused sharing the intimate details with Ben.

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