Chapter 3 - No Baby Oil

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Rome's POV

It's already 11:23 pm and my mate is not back yet. It had been 3 hours since I snuck into her house. I'm starting to think she won't be back tonight. So before I left her room I decided to look around more.

I approached her unmade bed and saw something that made the pants I'm wearing really uncomfortable.

Bright red lace bra with some white lace on it.

My hands were trembling as I get my hands on it. I'm not a pervert nor a creep. I'm just helping my mate to put her stuff away. I lift it up. Hmm....36 C.

I could get more cups of her than my daily cups of coffee that I had every morning. But to be honest, she chest could be as flat as a board and I still love every inch if her.

Roland is whining at me to get a sniff from her bra but I restrain my self from doing so. This horny wolf is killing me!!

"Mate! Mate! Let me breathe her scent! "

"This room already has her scent all over it so you already have it!"

"Her clothes have stronger scent!! I want more! Better yet, go for her underwear!"

I choked on my breath and coughed as my wolf said those. What the hell!!! Not only did he gave me unwanted ideas at this moment but also a huge unwanted boner.

My pants are really uncomfortable to wear right now. I'm desperate for a cold shower.

"No! Neither of us are going to do that! That's straight up creepy and inappropriate! What's wrong with yo- "My wolf cut me off.

" She our mate! Ours! I can do whatever I want. There is nothing creepy and inappropriate about it."

Are all wolf this horny when they found their mate? I guess I owe my Delta, Dwayne some apologies for not believing his reasons of frequent disappearance when he first found his mate and all the PDA they did.

Face palming myself I decided I should just leave before he manage to persuade me to do inappropriate things.

Sighing. I put back her bra on her bed and took one last look around before I jump out of her window. She need to get that window lock or else a burglar or a pervert could climb in.

"What now Alpha?" questioned Dwayne.

"We've been searching this area for a while now, her scent is everywhere. But the strongest is at the next door house. But even so there is no sign of her." He continue.

"We'll come back tomorrow. You will stay here and see if she returns and I will search somewhere else."

He nodded and said. "There's one more thing Alpha.". He looks nervous for some reason.

"What is it?"

"One of the room of that house that had her scent the strongest was empty. Based on the pictures in that room, I assume the room belongs to a man with dark brown hair with brown eyes. I think that maybe they...they went out...together?" he blurted out with a bit stutter.

But I just stood there. A tiny part of me did thought of that possibility when I saw the picture of them together upstairs. I don't know if it's the guy that I saw in the picture is the same guy that Dwayne mentioned. But same guy or not made both my wolf and I pissed off.

Not wasting any second, I shifted to my midnight black wolf and run toward the nearby forest. My wolf was also had white socks on each paws and white fur at the tip of the right ear as well as white fur at the chest.

You will be the death of me, Mate (Werewolf)Where stories live. Discover now