Author's Note : New Book

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Hi hi to any of my sexy readers, just want to inform everyone that I had released a new book called Touch.

Now, this book will be a completely different genre. No paranormal related, just humans.  Also, heads up to anyone who want to check it out, there will be a lot of mature sexual content, violent, and things that might f*ck up your mind. So if you don't want to read it then it's ok.

I'll put the description here in case it interest anyone.


What is the craziest thing you've ever done?

And how far did you went with your craziness?

What cause it?

Is it because of void? Desperate maybe? Or are you really just crazy?

Past trauma will hurt and haunt you. You could either heal through time, and become stronger. Or it could lead you to do things you never thought you would done before, things that are not pleasant in the eyes of the society..

Whatever it may be, pain builds the character of a person. Everyone seemed normal in the outside. But everyone do have their own secret.


He's obsessed with her. He stalked her. Watched her every move. He wants her. He touched her.

She knew. She knew about him. She knew he was watching her for a long time. She let him touched her. She didn't mind. She wanted him to. Yet she don't know who he is.

They're both insane in their own way.

She knew it's wrong. But being with him felt right.

Is it love? Or just an obsession to fill the void in their heart. Or just as a way to compensate for the pain they feel inside. After all, everyone is addicted to things that takes the pain away.


Hope you enjoy that and continue to support my work.

Thank you so much and ta ta

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