Chapter 10

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Evan's POV

I saw them on the tree, talking to each other. The way they looked at each other hurts me so much inside. I hated it, I hated life, and I would do anything right now to end it, if she says she loves him. Every time I try to get her, it ends with disaster, everything just cripples apart, and I have to start over.

This time, I'm gonna get her.

3rd Person POV

"Now, what should I do with you?" Caleb says with a sadistic smile on his face looking at you body. You tried to move but couldn't, it was like glue, your back with the tree.

"Your not going anywhere (Y/n), might as well just st-" Caleb was suddenly tackled to the ground... by Evan. "Hey! Evan, get off of me!" He tried moving Evan off of him.

While they were in a chaotic situation of anger, you were unstuck from the brown bark. Your dress ruffed up a little, but nothing you didn't mind. Anyways, you sneakingly got from the tree and ran over to the boys.

Evan had quickly got up from punching Caleb in his broad face. Looking over to you, running towards him. He was in a trance of your appearance, he widely open his strong arms waiting for you to touch him with your soft ones. Suddenly, Caleb had speedily put Evan on his back, kicking his ankle. Struggling to get up from Caleb's strength, Evan still couldn't take his eyes off you.

You were highly confused and indecisive of the situation. You didn't know whether to help Evan or to stay in your place. As you thought, you finally decided, he was your best friend and so what if you die.

As Caleb hit Evan repeatedly and harshly, you looked around to a hulking boulder of a rock not to far from where you stood. You ran to pick it up, it was significantly heavy, but you could hold the massive thing in your fragile arms.

Running, more like fast walking towards the men, you stopped and breathed heavily, while holding the weighty rock above your head, you aimed for Caleb's large dome of a head. Finally as he was excessively beating Evan, you dropped the boulder on his head.

As it made physical contact with his head, it broken into two pieces, you could honestly tell from his reaction, it was agonizing experience. Caleb had paused, from the rock and slowly dropped on to Evan. You grabbed Caleb pulling him off of Evan, he was a heavyweight, but you finally managed to do it.

After Caleb was off, you got on your knees, beside Evan. His face was more than beaten, it was practically assaulted. His nose was fractured for sure, with red and clear liquids comes from it, and his eyes had shiners of black and blue bruising. His cheeks were flushed and his lips were scabbed from blood as well.

"Evan..." you whispered softly looking at his battered face. You leaned in, his chest, on his neck, you preyed for him to be okay... he had to be okay.

You had looked over at Caleb still knocked out, then back at Evan again. Giving up, you just laid on Evan's torso, hoping there's at least something still in Evan that's working and functioning to help him.

"... Thank you..." you heard a weak voice. You looked up from Evan's chest to his lips, "for everything," he said, teardrops began to form in your eyes, you have never seen him in this type of pain. You grasped on tightly to his arm.

"P-please tell me your going to be okay" you said, forcefully shutting your eyes, as warm clear glands fell from your eyes to your cheeks.

"To tell you the truth, I'm gonna be fine (Y/n), it'll heal, it just takes time" Evan wiped your droplets from your face with his index finger. You smiled with joyful eyes, happy that Evan.

"I'm sorry, for everything I have done and said, in the past couple days, I was just confused and-" Evan had cut you off.

"Your fine, if I were you, I wouldn't trust me neither" he said. You giggled at the comment. You looked at his face to see his nose was in a proper position that it was two minutes ago.

While you want to stay next to him, in the dirt and grass, across from the school, Evan had gotten an idea. Looking at Caleb, he had gotten up with a struggle and limped his way to him. You got up and following him.

Evan looked at Caleb's body, then had picked him up over his shoulder and carried him towards the woods, behind the school.

"Where are we going?" You asked, as Evan leaded the way. He stopped to turn around and looked at you with a serious face.

"Are you sure you want to follow me, (Y/n)?" You quickly nodded, not wanting to leave Evan's side again. He sighed deeply while looking at the ground, and continued to go towards the woods.

Mine. [Evan Peters x Reader] | (21+)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя