Chapter One: The Sad Past

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" Hello miss Paige, happy to have you, please come in and have a seat for me I'll be right with you in just a moment." Said my new therapist as she gently opened the door for me. As she left me in the refreshing room, I thought to myself how I wouldn't be here without Joey. He is one of the best people to exist in my life. Since he notice that I would not get over this madness for nearly over a month ago, he convinced me to come and see someone about it. It was for the best I guess. My thoughts were quickly interupptued by the door cracking open slowly. The therapist walked in and sat in her chair, the cushion squeaked a little when she sat down.
"Okay so Paige, my name is Amanda and I would love it if when we talk about your problems you refer to me as Amanda so it can be like a causal conversation with someone you trust." "O- okay" I replied with a little studer, I always studer when I'm nervous, I HATE it. "No need to be nervous Paige everyone goes through bad things they can't handle alone it's okay, well anyways tell me, everything about your relationship, start off on how you met Anthony." I completely frowned when I heard his name but I got it together, I closed my eyes and I began." Back in the beginning of 2016 on January 16, I travaled to Los Angeles to reunite with my best friend Joey. He went to college in California to study acting. He was great at it, since the fifth grade he was been so passionate about it. I supported him through everything he did, his parents not so much though. Well anyways while I was there he had a guy friend, That's where Anthony comes in. He was AMAZING. He had nice curly hair that he would always run his fingers through when he was nervous, chocolaty brown eyes that you could get lost in and of course to bright lovely smile of his ow-" "Wait..." "Yes Amanda?" I responded with a confused look because I was so into describing his unique looks and she stopped me. " I noticed that when you heard me mention Anthony at the beginning you were upset, but now when you are thinking of him you are so into him, you can't stop smiling." "Yeah... I was really in love with him..." I replied looking at the floor thinking back to the memories."Oh yes of course I can tell, okay keep going, please Paige." "Okay well enough of his looks, we stayed at Joey's dorm the whole night. Nothing really happened with me and Anthony there but what did happen was that we he was leaving Joey offered to walk him to his dorm even though it wasn't that far. He accepted and I told them I was going to stay in the dorm. When Joey came back he was so excited he had the biggest smile on his face. I had to ask," What's up with that big ass smile? Did yall kiss or something? Wait OMG IS ANTHONY YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" I asked him with excitement, oh and by the way Amanda, Joey is gay, that's why we aren't dating, but anyway he looked at me in confusion"No we aren't if we did you would have known about this, and the reason I'm smiling is because Anthony just told me that he likes you A LOT." When he said that I smirked a little cause I did find him cute, I did stay at Joey's dorm and that is what we talked about the whole night." I was very happy while talking to her about it but once I stopped I was sad again. "Okay so, I will assume that Joey was the one that setup the whole like date thing to start the relationship right?" "Yes." "How long did this last?" "A year and 7 days" "When were you two offically boyfriend and girlfriend?" "February 3rd." " He waited a week after your aniversty to breakup with you? Such a coincidence." Amanda said with a raised eyebrow. "Did you guys move in together?" "Yes... unfortunately...that's why I got so attached" "Okay so Pagie let's fast forward to the part where you know... he broke your heart." I took a deep breath,I closed my eyes again "Okay, that morning I woke up and I realized that Anthony was not in bed, I yelled out for his name and he said "Oh... um hey Paige,I need to talk in, um the living room." I could tell he was nervous, I was confused. He was seated already when I came in, I noticed he had no sleep that night, I tried to lighten the mood by saying "Are you going to tell me you're pregnant or something?" I even said it with a little giggle he smirked but quickly changed it to a straight face again and he... he sai-" I stated to sobbing in front of the therapist, she came to me with a box of tissues and she began to pat me on the back. " I can assume the rest, don't worry." "Okay, I think our session is over Pagie, but please come back next week where we can focus on you and figure out what we can do to try to get you get over him." I walked out of the building with my thoughts feeling relief, I felt better. I nearly almost jumped when I felt my phone vibrate, that's how relax I was, I read the screen and it was Joey. I didn't answer, I wanted to enjoy the moment. I will see him at home anyways. While I was walking throughout the Atlanta evening, I noticed a familiar face a small distance away, I couldn't make it out though, untill it got closer. I gasped... it was Anthony, and the moment I saw him he locked eyes with me, I quickly looked away in confusion, what is he doing in Georgia? Why did he look the same as the day that he broke up with me? All these questions, I suddenly felt something pull me arm, I looked back and it was him he said,"Wait Paige... we need to talk." I looked at him puzzled but at the same time angry "You waited one month untill you decide to come to talk to me?" I pulled away angrily and he grabbed me again " LET GO OF ME! DON'T touch me." His eyes suddenly became watery. "Please Pagie, I need to tell you now that my torture is over." I stood in still not knowing what to say, I was confused, torture? Was he forced to do something?....

Wow who knows what happens next. Thank you so much for reading this if you did. I will write the next chapter as soon as I see that people are enjoying if not then I might not. Please leave me a comment if you liked it, make this mexican girl go viral on wattpad. ;)

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