2. "I love it when my girls talk back to me, it turns me on."

9 0 0

     As we walk through the halls, I see all different types of kids just talking and laughing with there group of friends. We walk to our lockers, which so happens to be next to each others, well not exactly. Mine is 310, Lavina's is 305 and Jason's is 302, we also have the same classes. Don't ask me how because I don't even know but I'm thankful because I have someone to talk to in class or to help keep me focused on the notes that the teacher just keeps egging on. After we walk each other to each others lockers, we walk to class. I get hit in the head with a paper ball, the kids laugh, and I throw it at Jake, the class clown.

     "Sorry, Anastasia," he says in a guilty tone.

     "Its okay, loser," I say laughing at him.

     I take my seat in the back of the class, Jason and Lavina follow me because we still have 20 minutes of free time. We lolly gag and whatever before the bell rings so Jason and Lavina leave to go take their seats. The teacher finally walks in and starts talking, of course I zone out until I hear a chair move next to me. I look next to me and see Tray, one of the 'bad boys', that's the school tittle, I think of him as a boy who is a sweetheart. He has a brother named Trever, but he's a dick. He's so mean, and plays girls like he has no respect for them.

     "Why are you late, Mr. London?" Mr. Hadigan said in a monotone voice.

     "I wasn't. I was here the whole time," Tray said with a bright smile on his face.

     The teacher takes off his glasses and looks at Tray.

     "I may be old, but I'm not stupid, sir," he says giving Tray a look of irritation. 

     "I beg to differ," Tray says trying to irritate Mr. Hadigan even more.

     The whole class starts laughing. I smile a little but it wasn't that funny. The girls in the class flip their hair and give Tray the most flirtatious smile. I look at Lavina and she just laughs being her normal self. Something told me to look over at Tray and I did, he was looking at Lavina and smirking, I'm thinking Tray has a little crush on her. Oooooo!

     "Get out of my class," the teacher says, pissed off.

     "I'm trying to learn, and your trying to prevent that?" Tray questions the teacher pissing him off more.

     "Get out, now!"

     He huffs and gets up to walk out the classroom, but not before he flips the teacher off. I shake my head.

     "And that students, is who you don't want to become. Cause you wont get far in life." 

     I get offended by his words and before I think, I speak. 

     "Why is that? Why do you think he wont get far in life?" I question in curiosity. 

     "Cause he cant take anything seriously. Nobody is gonna wanna hire him, he's just not made to be anything cause of his actions," he says in obviousness.

     "So I guess that's why your a teacher right? Cause no 'good' job wants you because of your actions?" Everyone looked at me shocked.

     I'm just as shocked as everybody else is. Never did I think I would talk to a teacher like that.

     All you here is ooooos from the class as Jason and Lavina just look shocked. 

     "You, Ms. Hampton, can leave my class too. I'll see you two in detention." 

     "Thanks for the invite," I said in a smart ass tone. 

     I grab my stuff and walk out of the class room down to the support room. When I walk in, I see Chase, Trever, and Tray (a.k.a the 'bad boys') and a few other troubled kids. I sign in and the teacher looks upset to see me in here. Yeah well, I'm upset too. Why did I even say anything? Ugh! I take a seat in the way back but of course, its next to Trever. I take a seat and look out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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