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a few months later...


I stared at myself in the mirror, my hands running down the silky white dress. My hand went up to the small headband placed upon my blonde hair in a messy elegant low bun.

"Are you ready?" Alexa comes in my room and my bouquet of roses, that Chris knew I loved so he suggested them for the wedding.

"Ready then I'll ever be." I smile to my maid of honor and she walks out, with my father walking in. I give him a genuine smile and we link arms, exiting the room.

The soft music hums in my ear as people in their seats turn around and look at us walking down the flower petal covered aisle, my heals occasionally clicking.

I arrive at the end of the aisle and gave Alexa my flowers and grab both of Chris' hands. I give him a huge smile and the priest starts talking.

It's time for vows and I'm super nervous because I've only practiced them a few times, but Chris decided to go first.

"Cassidy, I never thought that I would believe in love at first sight, but after I met you, my thoughts changed. You can always lift my spirits and change my mood in five seconds. You are so breathtakingly beautiful inside and out and I'm so happy to have you as a part of my life. I can't believe a guy like me could get so lucky to be with a girl like you. All I want to to do is see you happy, and when you are it warms my heart. You're my best friend, and now my wife which I love with every inch of my heart and I'm so excited to see what the future has in hold with us." He smiles as the blush explodes on my face.

"Well I don't know how I can beat that but here I go." I laugh, "To start off, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being there for me every step of the way. Thank you for for everything that you do for me. Thank you for giving me closure. You make me so happy and I wake up everyday thinking I'm on cloud nine, but it's just another perfect day with you. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me throughout my life. I love you."

"Do you, Chris Wood, take Cassidy White to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The preist questions.

"I do." Chris states without breaking eye contact with me.

"Do you, Cassidy White, take Chris Wood to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks me.

"I do." I smile widely. My sister comes up to us with a small cushion with two rings gently placed on top. Chris slides mine on my finger as I repeat the action after he finished.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The room erupts with clapping and without hesitation, I pull Chris to my face and lustily kiss him, smiling as genuine as ever.

I jump in surprise as Chris wraps his arm under my knee and picks me up bridal style and the smile on my face was written with permanent marker; not coming off the rest of the night.

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