Their first 'child'

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It was late when I made this so sorry if it's bad. 0000000000000000000000000000000
3rd person P.O.V
Beast boy and Raven had been married for 2 years since 1 week ago. The Titans were grown up but still the Titans. Cyborg was now 26, Starfire was 24, Robin and Raven were 23, and Beast Boy was 22. Beast Boy had grown a lot since he was 15. He now stood taller than Raven and Robin and just an inch or two shorter than Starfire. Raven is the shortest of the Titans now, 6 inches shorter than Robin.

Anyways, Beast Boy had always wanted to be a father. It was a dream of his that hasn't been achieved yet. He told Raven earlier in their marriage but she never wanted a child and she definitely didn't want to go through the whole pregnancy thing.

He had suggested adoption and she said she'd consider it. Today he was going to ask her about it again. "Raven?" He looked at her as she was reading a book. "Yes Beast Boy?" She said not looking up.

"Have you considered it yet?" He said hoping she had. "No. I don't think either of us are ready."
His hopeful smile had turned to a frown. "Haven't you ever wanted something since you were a child Raven?" He asked. "Yes actually. I've always wanted a kitten. A black one to be exact." She replied.

"Well then why don't you get one?" He asked playing with her hair. " because I can't take care of it. We have to go to crime alerts, id have to litter train it, it would reck things, it would cost a lot of money with buying food for it all of he time, I don't want to clean out the litter box, and many other reasons. " she said smacking his hand away from her hair.

"All of those can be worked around. And if we can take care of a cat then we can take care of a child. " he said. "Alright. If we can take care of a cat and it lives past 3 then we can either adopt or we can have one. I'll decide by then. " she said.

'Hopefully by then he'll forget about it and we won't have a child. ' she thought. "3 YEARS?!?!" He yelled. "If you want a child you'll be willing to wait that long. " she replied walking to their room.

The next day they found themselves at the animal shelter looking at kittens. Beast boy stopped in front of a small grey kitten. It had all of its paws clung to the cage, trying to climb its way out. "Aw. I want this one!" He said. Raven walked over. "It isn't black but I like him. " (A/N I know that sounds racist but it's a cat. Cmon people!)

They purchased the kitten, some food, a bed, water and food bowl, kitty litter, poop scooper, toys, and a litter box. They drove home with him sleeping on Ravens lap.

"What should we name him?" Raven asked. "Garfield junior!" Raven giggled at it. "Alright I guess. " she agreed.

:::3 years later:::

They were celebrating Garfield Jr.'s 3rd birthday. They made him a kitty cake, invited some of his kitty friends, and a bunch of other activities for him to do on his birthday.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Garfield Jr. Happy birthday to you!" The Titans sang in harmony sitting around Garfield Jr. With his cake in front of him.

Raven cut his cake for all of his friends and him to share, him getting the biggest piece. They ate and as they did, beast boy and Raven were talking.

"So Rae, ya know what you said when he turned 3?" He asked her. "Uh n-" she then remembered what she had said about 3 years ago. "Uh... Oh yeah. Well I guess we are ready for baby together. But I would want to adopt. Maybe I'll be ready for the whole pregnancy ordeal later in life. " they smiled together with Garfield Jr. purring at their feet with his cat party hat on.
So I know that this one was SUPER short but idk I think I'm running out of ideas.... Love all you wonderful people!!

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