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Here are their ages in the story:
Beast boy: 35
Raven: 36
Beast Boy and Raven were told they couldn't have children, because Raven was half demon, at 22.

At 23 and 24 they had a miscarriage. At 24 and 25 they had finally had a child. It lived to be 3 before drowning. At 30 and 31 they adopted but the child went missing at 2 and one night and after 2 years they assumed the worst.

Sometimes at night Raven has nightmares of those children all dying in different ways or sometimes they come back and always ask why didn't their mommy save them. That what happened tonight. She woke up crying.

And that woke Beast Boy up too. He hugged her. "Same nightmare again?" She cried even more. "We need to stop doing this to innocent children! I feel like were cursed!" She cried. "We'll keep on trying until we get it right. All of our other kids are dancing around together in heaven!" he told her surely.

She eventually stopped crying and they fell back asleep. 3 months later she was pregnant. "I'm pregnant! I'm so happy!!" Beast Boy laughed. "It is a good day, huh?" They smiled. When they got home Raven had 5 missed calls from an unknown number on her phone.

"Hmm wonder who's calling me?"
The end. Comment who you think is calling her.

Jk lol
She called the number back. "Hello? Who is this?... oh hi is this Raven Logan?... um yes? Why?... I think I have the child on the lost children flier. She looked similar and I ask her if she was the same girl on the flier and she said yes..." Raven dropped the phone. "Hello?" Beast Boy picked up the phone.

"Hello. This is her husband who is this?... I've found the girl on the missing child flier... oh my! What's your location?!... 9**4 sugar street next to the Walmart... okay. I'll be there soon. Thank you so much. " he hung up.

He grabbed Ravens hand and ran out of the door. He started the car and went as fast as he could. When he got their they both ran out of the car and knocked on the door.

A man with a small mustache and glasses answered. "Yes? Are you two the parents?" They eagerly nodded their heads. He let them in without hesitation. " she's over there on the couch. " he pointed to a black leather couch.

They ran over to the couch. She was shaking, looked like she hadn't showered in ages, and wrapped up in a blanket from the man, her hair was a mess, and she looked as if she had never slept before, she was very skinny and was not looking good.

"I tried to give her some food but she wouldn't eat it. She was in an alley crying into her knees naked when I found her." They turned their heads to him. "Don't worry I would never do anything but help a child in need. You can even check my criminal record! Anyways, I was on my way home from work and just so happened to have bought my daughter a new outfit that she had been wanting for a few months. I was going to give it to her for her birthday but this was an even better use. When we got here I told her she should shower but she shook her head. And my wife went out to get more clothes because that's all she wrote down that she wanted. She hasn't talked at all. My children are at school and won't be back to bother you guys for a while if you want to stay with her until
bringing her home. " the man said.

"Thank you so much! You may not know but she's been gone for 3 years! After 2 years we just assumed the worst and that she was..." Beast Boy couldn't bring himself to say it.

"Hmm.. well I hope that you guys can get her back on her feet and if you need any help or she needs some friends I have two daughters her age that would love to help her out. And my door is always open for you. Just knock and if we're not home then the all of the lights will be off. We always keep one light on unless we leave. " the nice man said.

His wife walked in. "Oh! Are these the two?" She asked. "Yes! And did you get her some clothes?" She nodded. " honey you do know who these two are right?" "Uh, the parents of this child?" He looked confused.

"No silly! I mean yes but they're also from the first ever team of the teen Titans! Sure they retired but there's another team of them and it's their children! Ya know Nightstar, Carlos, and Ginger? The Teen, er, toddler soon to be tween titans!" She told him, "they're Raven and Beast Boy! The ones we used to watch on the news when we were friends!" She set the clothes down.

"Oh my! Well I'm so happy to help these two!" They smiled. His wife picked the clothes up and handed them to the girl. "Here you go. Two comfy pairs of clothes. "

The girl took them and walked to their bathroom. When she walked back out she had both pair on and her other outfit in her hand. She handed it to the man. "Oh you can keep it. I can go out and buy my daughter another one." He said.

She wrote a note and put it on the stack of clothes. It read, tell your daughter thank you for letting me wear it until I got some other clothes.

He nodded and took the clothes. "How about we exchange numbers?" His wife said. So they all exchanged numbers. "Thank you so much again! We'll make sure to bring her over!" Raven said. "Your so welcome! We were happy to help!" His wife said.

The Logans got in their car and left. They got home carried Penelope in. (A/N that is the little girl's name, Penny for short) " you can speak  to us. We wanna know what happened when your ready to talk. And we won't hurt you. Were your parents. Your safe now. " Beast Boy said. Raven took a picture to remember this day. Also Beast Boy wanted before and after pictures because they're 'fun'.

Raven brought her to the bathroom. "I'm going to give you a bath. Okay Penelope?" She nodded. She tried to brush her hair but the brush wouldn't go through. She took the brush out and took Penelope's sweater off and sweatpants. She took off all of her layers of clothes and stuck her in the bath.

Raven started putting shampoo in Penelope's hair. She made it stick straight up. She giggled. Penelope had a confused look on her face. Raven took a picture and showed her her hair. Raven made her smile a little bit for .01 seconds.

She continued to wash her and bathe her until it was time to rinse her hair. She put the hanging shower head over her hair and washed out the shampoo.

She repeated with the conditioner. She took a floofie and made it soapy with body wash. She rubbed it softly on Penelope's dirty body. Once she was all clean, Raven wrapped her hair in a hair towel so she could dry her body off while her hair is drying also.

She dried her body with another towel and dressed her. Raven took her hair out of the hair towel. She brushed her hair. It took a while but Raven got the brush through Penelope's hair. She brought her to Beast Boy and Ravens bedroom.

"It's bedtime! Do you want to sleep on your own or with us?" Raven asked. Penelope jumped in their bed. "Well okay then. " Raven giggled.

For the first night in years, Penelope got a full sleep. "I guess today was a good day Beast Boy." Raven said before drifting off into sleep.

::: 9 months later:::

"WAHHHHH!!" The newborn baby cried at 12:43 A.M. "I got it mom!" Penelope yelled and jumped out of their bed to care to her crying baby brother. "Told you we would get it. " beast boy said. "I love my family. " Raven said.
I know it's very bad. I told you. I am running out of ideas. Love all you wonderful people!!

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