Chapter 7 - Annoyance

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*Awkward noises* My BROTHER started reading this... heh- at least he likes it?? Lol Ben50Champ I'm looking at you boi! 


--(Y/n)'s Pov-- 

Dear fucking god, you were going to kill this idiot. 

Of course, being from a parallel Earth, he didn't have any place to stay. Which, in short, meant he suckered you into letting him stay at your place. 

This Scarlet Scarab will be the end of me...

His rambling wasn't even the worst part. He liked to roam around your room, picking up various objects and ask about them. So far he had asked about the television remote four times, and every single time you told him it just turned on your small tv and not some death trap. 

"Look... Scarlet, I have to go to school. As (Y/n). Stay in here, or anywhere for all I care, just as long as you stay away from my mom and from my school," You said from your closet. The door was closed and you were getting dressed away from prying eyes. You didn't need a pervert on a Wednesday. 

"Can I go do some evil stuff?" He asked with fake politeness. You rolled your eyes, stepping out of the closet with your bag on your shoulders. 

"Yeah, whatever. Just don't kill anyone, or reveal anyone's identity." Scarlet was sitting against the wall, his arms wrapped around his legs. You felt the urge to punch him when you noticed he was pouting. 

Yeah well punching this moron won't help anything, especially since I'll probably just break my hand on that stupid armor he never takes off...

"You're no fun!" He said, a childlike Smile coming across his face. 

"Whatever... Oh, and one more thing, Don't touch my stuff!"


--Jaime's Pov-- 

Eliminate her. Now, while you still have the chance. 

"Shh." I said, really wanting the scarab to just shut up already.

(Y/n) looked at me curiously. "I know we both don't like math that much, but are you okay? You've been acting kind of strange lately. Normally you don't shush me, either." 

Immediately I shook my head. "No, chica, I'm fine. Just a little tired, is all." She flashed me a knowing smile. 

"I know how you feel, all these tests requires a lot of studying, which can be hard to do sometimes because of... er, complications." I wondered what she meant by "complications."

No doubt she is talking about her evil ways, Jaime Reyes. 

​​​​For once, I decided to ignore the scarab. I grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and led her away from the room. "Follow me, I've got something I want to show you," I said. 

"Oh, uh, alright?" Her face was tinted red, but I didn't really get time to ask thanks to scarab yelling in my mind. 

This is a tactical error. Turn back now or I will take control of the both of us. I cannot allow you to proceed. 

"You can't stop me, scarab!" 


I wonder what Jaime wanted to show you?? 

just kidding I know because i'm the author~ 

anyways stay whelmed and stay tuned! :) 

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