Chapter 8 - Revealing

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I have one tiny announcement?? I've decided that this will take place over the span of one week. In every chapter where the day changes there will be something that says so- 



--Jaime's Pov--

(Y/n) seemed confused (which, in hiensight, was totally natural) as I drug her by her arm away from the school and down the street. In a couple seconds we were in a dark alley.

"I want to show you something," I said, ignoring scarab's loud and annoying voice. 

Fine Jaime Reyes, do what you please. But when this turns out horribly you should be prepared to take all the blame for not listening to my warnings. 

With that, the scarab went quiet and allowed me to do what I'd been wanting to do for a long time. 

Blue and black enveloped my whole body, and before me a screen was displayed with (Y/n)'s shocked face. 

"You... you're..." She couldn't manage the sentence. 

"Yeah, uh, hermana, I'm Blue Beetle." 

--(Y/n)'s Pov-- 

I'm Blue Beetle.

The words rang in your ears, and your brain played the moment over and over again in your head. 

"Why," you started, trying to keep yourself from falling over, "why did you let me of all people know? I mean, we're best friends, yeah, but have you even told your family?" 

Jaime shook his head, his eyes falling to the ground. 

"There's something I've been wanting to tell you (Y/n)- uh, other than me being an amazing superhero." The armor around his head retreated, showing Jaime's cute tan face. 

"Two big things to tell me all before lunch?" You said, a small smile making its way onto your face. 

"Y-yeah- er, chica- (Y/n)- I lo-" He was cut off by a loud crash of a building.  

Great timing. I get a rare chance to see Jaime blush, and a buidling decides it's going to fall over thanks to some criminal.

It was weird to think bad about other criminals when you were one yourself. You heard a sound of something whizzing by overhead, causing you to look up to see something... ugh. Scarlet.

"Hey! (Y/n)! Didn't expect to see you outside of your school- wait, is that Blue? What are you doing outside with him?" Scarlet started his rambling when he gasped, "Does he know who you really are?" 

"Scarlet Scarab you had better not return to my room tonight if you want to keep god damn living!"


Whoo hoo another chapter so soon- 

I've gotten too obsessed with writing chapters like jeegus I need to slow down-- 


A Hero And A Villain  {Blue Beetle x Villain!Reader} (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now