-Jerome Valeksa- Part 2

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Part 2 of the Imagine for-JeromeValeska

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Part 2 of the Imagine for

Part 2 of the Imagine for-JeromeValeska

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Word count: 890


It's been 3 weeks since Y/N had stepped a foot into Arkham Asylum. 3 weeks into a awful place full of lunatics. 3 weeks of nonstop flirting.

Everytime Jerome say Y/N, his eyes would light up with a wicked glint in them. Enjoying her body close to his as he whould back her up into a wall and try to steal a kiss.

Which he never stole. Y/N would push him away before he even got close to her face.

He might be a murdering Lunatic but he wasn't a good thief.

Y/N made sure to keep him on her good side though. Which wasn't even that hard, all he wanted was to be on her good side; a better side of her even.

The monday morning sun came up, shining it's way into Y/N her cell. She flickers open her eyes and let them get used to the sudden bright light.

It would be a normal Monday routine. Wake up, breakfast, lounging, Jerome's firting, Lunch, maybe read a book, more of Jerome's flirting, Dinner, while hearing Jerome flirt and then back to her cell to sleep. Much like any other day, actually.

Jerome was standing by his cell door, waiting for the guards to open the door for him, so he could see his gorgeous little bird. His bright blue eyes scanning the cell door in front of his.

He knew that Y/N would wake up anytime soon now. He always heard her sigh defeated evertime she woke up. He never knew why she sighed like that, never dared to ask her either, not wanting to come of as a creepy stalker; which he practically is for her already.

Y/N sighs as she closes her eyes one last time before opening them and getting of her bed. The bed silently sqeaks at her movement.

After a while of just sitting and staring, the guards came and get her and the other inmates for breakfast.

Y/N gets her tray of food, sits at the table she now claimed hers and waited for Jerome to show up. Her eyes scanning the room for the ginger while eating the greasy gray strawberry flavored stuff with her soon.

Her eyes lands on his red hair and she notices that he is sitting at a table with some other inmates.

Y/N couldn't help the frown forming on her face. Jerome never, not ever, sit at another table where she wasn't sitting or standing next to. Y/N's mind is all over the place, not understanding why Jerome wasn't near her today.

All day she was hoping he would come up to hear and say a pathetic pickup line. But it didn't happen. Not once.

Tonight the inmates are alound to stay up and out their cells a little longer then usually. In the great hall was a small stage which would be used tonight for a show. The gurds never did tell what kind of show though.

Y/N makes her way into the great hall and takes a seat at the last ray of chairs. The whole last ray is empty which isn't bothering her at all. She just hoped that Jerome comes and keeps her company.

She spotted Jerome at the door as she turned her head to it. His eyes roam the room before landing on hers.

Y/N pads the place on the chair next to hers and Jerome smiles slightly, not smirking, smiling. He sits down and looks up at the ginger before opening her mouth to speak.

"Where have you been all day?"
Y/N akss him quietly.

"Nowhere." Was the only word she got.

"Are you mad at something?" She then asks. But doesn't get a reply. "Why your ignoring me?"

"I dont have anything to say." His answer is short and broken.

Y/N grabs the chin of his face and turns it so he faces her.

"Please talk to me..." She sighs.

"Look Y/N, I'm trying to watch this weird Romeo and Julliet play, so shh."

He never called you by your name before. Only Gorgeous or Pretty. Her heart hurts slightly at the way he said her name. She averted her gaze to the ground and started thinking. She really didn't like her calling her like that. She missed the way he said those nicknames. She missed is presence, his flirting. But most of all she misses him.

"Look at me now!" Y/N whisper yelled at Jerome.

Jerome turns her head slowly, meeting her beautiful E/C eyes. The color he would never get enough of. But he knew she didn't want him, so he let the thought pass.

Y/N looked all over his face, noticing things she never saw before. Like the freckles that lay of his cheeks.

She moves her hand up and to the back of his neck. Pulling him to her while his lips meet hers.

The kiss was soft and full of passion. Y/N felt that spark she hadn't felt in a long time before slowly pulling away.

"No that was... -" Y/N was cut of by Jerome who is smirking at her.


"Yeah, you say it." Y/N sighs looking in his eyes.

"I will never let you go, my pretty gorgeous little bird."

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