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[Sumires story]

*walks into class and sits down in her usual place*

Sumire: *looks around* looks like everyone's settled down.

Sumire sighs calmly as seeing a girl walking up to her.

???: Hey Sumire!

*turns to looks at the girl*

Sumire: hm? Oh hey Cho Cho, Good morning/ Ohayo Gozaimasu!

As lifting up a bright and sunshiny smile and soft voice Cho Cho smiles back and sits next to her.

Sumire: So how was this morning?

As saying that Cho Cho grabs her usual favorite flavored crisp snacks and replies--

Cho Cho: ahh, well-- *shoves a crisp in her mouth* it was alright, you know usual. Though dad was quite in a rush.

Sumire: Oh, what did you have for breakfast?

*shoving another crisp in her mouth*
Cho Cho: Crisps. *eats more*

Sumire: o-oh.. how um.. heh heh *sweats a little* healthy.. heh heh ..

*turns to look at Sumire*
Cho Cho: oh yeah, I didn't ask you what you had for breakfast and what happened this morning

Sumire: Oh! W-well,
I did my usual things as well as what you said... and I had cereal for breakfast •v•

Cho Cho: Boringggg--- Cereal is way to plain..
Sumire: so are crisps •v•

Cho Cho: hmph *turns away* they are not!
Sumire: *chuckles* heh...heh--

Until she was interrupted by Sarada

Sarada: Morning! Cho Cho and Sumire.
Cho Cho: *shoves more crisps in her face* Good Morning Salad! (NOM NOM -w-)

Sarada: 💢 Alright Cho Cho, Just because my name sounds like Salad, I prefer my given name to be said thank you very much.

Sumire: *giggles a little* he he~

Cho Cho: okay salad
Sarada: 💢Cho Cho I gave you a warning
Cho Cho: yuck I hate salads.
Sarada: That's it! Come here!
Cho Cho: *running away* can't catch me!
Sarada: We'll just see about that! *chases after*

Sumire: (Their so funny -v-)
But then gets interrupted by--

(Borutos story - now)

Shikadai: Hey Boruto! Mitsukis a pro at this game. Maybe even better than you.

Boruto: what? You maybe thinks so?
Shikadai: no Borito-
Boruto: Boruto*

Shikadai: yeah whatever--- I know so.
Boruto: Pfft!-- how would 'You' know?

Mitsuki: *accidently breaks the game*
*the realisation*
Boruto: screams

Sumire: *comes down* is everything alright?-

Mitsuki: *shrugs*
Boruto: DUD

Sumire: *walks away* (seems like everything's alright... almost)
Shikadai:  *sees Sumire* wow well that was a miss for a girls attention

Boruto: huh? What attention?
Shikadai: *points at Sumire*
Boruto: hm? Sumire?
Shikadai: (starting a rumor would be great) *giggles* he he- she likes you.

Boruto: *freezes*
Boruto: what?!
Shikadai: yah

Boruto: *turns away* no way, she looks way to alike to my mom.
Shikadai: they aren't "that much" alike, plus your not even that much alike to your father either.

Boruto: yeah?
Shikadai: yeah you like her.
Boruto: yeah I love her
Shikadai: Sumire?!
Boruto: no, my mum •v•

Shikadai: *rolls eyes* well isn't there any girl your seeing?

Boruto: not really--- they always pick on fights with us boys.
Shikadai: everyone of them?

Boruto: ... *sighs* maybe not "EVERY" one of them but...
Shikadai: but?

Boruto: fine I do like the class rep.
Shikadai: uh huh, I'm so sure you "like"-

As getting interrupted

Boruto: just like I everyone else in the class!
Shikadai: *facepalms* (I really don't think he knows the right word of what love means or for that matter what it is. Even though there are two meanings of love... surely he loves her)

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