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[ Sumires Story ]

As I walked up to my seat I heard some girls talking about my friend and Boruto.

One of the girls: Hey did you girls hear?
Other girl: what?
One of the girls: Boruto secretly likes Sarada...
Girls: Ooo~

For a moment I felt a heart ache in my chest, what was this feeling?

Sumire: ngh...
As I settled down to rest Shikadai walked up to me and whispered something in my ear.

By that state I was shocked. Still and frozen. I didn't know what to do.
I looked down as it shadowed my face up.

Shikadai: are you alright Sumire?
Sumire: *looks up and smiles* Of course I am!

The smile was fake I know, but I couldn't just cry and let everyone drown in me asking infinite question like 'why are you crying' or 'why are you so upset for' or even 'are you broken?' Anyway Shikadai looked at me as he paused for a second ... then he smiled back and walked off.

After that I could see Mitsuki looking at a keen eye out to me, I was worried. What if he actually knew the truth? What if he tells Boruto? Ugh enough questions Sumire it's all alright. I think.

[After School]

It was already the evening as I walked with Cho Cho and Sarada, we had a group project about how much we know of a ninja and what we might do to improve our skill, speed, knowledge etc.

We went around Saradas place to do it.

[Saradas Story]

I guess this is going to be quite a late group project for us..

Sarada: *walks in* I'm home mother , father.
Sakura: welcome home Sarada!
Sarada: *looks around* where's father?
Sakura: he's quite busy with the Hokage, he'll be back next week.

Next week?! For that long?
I took a deep breath.
Sarada: alright, though anyway I've got visitors; meet Cho Cho---
Cho Cho: She's Sakura? Your moms Sakura? The one who's kissed the hokage before?!
Sakura: *chuckles* heh heh..
Sarada: maybe-- maybe NOT. Next is Sumire, though some people call her class rep.

Sumire: *panics* uwha--- n-nice to meet you!
Sakura: *giggles* you too-- say you never told me you were having visitors Sarada! Though just luckily I overcooked so it seems there will be enough dinner for everyone.

Cho Cho: wow really? Thanks!
Sumire: Y-You reAlly d-didn't have to go through all those hard work just for us!
Sakura: don't worry! It'll last for everyone.

Sarada: Alright thanks mom! *runs upstairs*
Wow mom sure acts different when there are guests around.

Cho Cho: wait for us! *runs up*
Sumire: *panics* M-Me too!

Sakura: ahh.. Sarada, you've really grown up haven't you...

[Borutos Story]

Walking to the park with friends.

Shikadai: hey guys whilst Denki's coming back to buy us drinks, let's play truth or dare. Who's game on? *puts hand in middle*

Inojin: *puts hand in* me!
Iwabe: me! *puts in hand*
Mitsuki: *puts hand in middle* why not?

Shikadai: Boruto?
What should I do? Either both truth or dare is horrible. I'll just play anyways not to think I'm hiding anything-- AS LONG AS (hopefully) they don't ask any personal questions..

Boruto: *slowly puts hand in middle* y-yeah..
Shikadai: alright then!
Shikadai: Boruto; which do you prefer more?

Boruto: (wow really Shikadai?)
Shikadai: Sumire? OR Sarada?

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