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It's been almost one week, No one has seen or heard from Harry. One second he was at home working as always and another he is gone. Liam has searched everywhere, and even talked to that snake girl Rebecca, but she is insisting that she knew nothing.

"I'm so worried" I say, resting my head on Louis lap. He runs his fingers through my hair.

"I am sure he is fine Ni! He's a gang leader I am sure he's fine" Louis says.

"No calls? I am terrified" I whisper.

"He is fine, Liam will find Harry I promise" Louis whispers. Harry was a strong man, how someone kidnapped him was beyond me. Liam's first suspects were rival gangs, but there weren't many around and no one would be dumb enough to kidnap Harry. All I knew was that Rebecca girl had something to do with, one day she is having lunch with him and the next he is missing, it was suspicious.

Since Harry's disappearance, Liam has eyes on us at all times to make sure no one comes after us. Not only have they still not found the culprits of the kidnappers from last time, they needed to make sure no one tried hurting us. Someone loudly knocks on the door I quickly jump up running to the door. I swing it open and it's Harry, and on his arm, is the Rebecca bitch. Standing behind them is a man I've never seen before.

"Harry" I say, breathlessly.

"Hello Niall, may we come in" Rebecca says, pushing pass me and pulling Harry along with her.

"What the hell is going on" Louis says, standing up.

"Sit down" Rebecca barks, Louis looks at me and I just nod my head. Austin and Luke were outside watching us they had to have seen this. "Niall.... You little cherub" she says.

"What's going on, Harry" I say, looking at him.

"You are not allowed to speak to him" Rebecca says, angrily. I look back at her.

"What are you talking about you pyscho bitch" I snap, she chuckles before pulling out a gun. Harry tenses beside her, and Louis is gearing to stand and jump her.

"I promised my Harry, that I wouldn't kill you that I'd spare your pathetic worthless little life" she whispers, I swallow. "Don't make me change my mind" she hisses.

"What is going on" I hiss.

"Harry here, is here to say his farewells because after he leaves this house he is cutting all ties with you and you'll never see him again! I'll be moving in with him and we're going to start a family and get married, right Harry" she says, looking at him batting her eyes. My throat goes dry as I stare at Harry.

"Right" he says.

"You were just a toy Niall, some useless toy Harry has always been in love with me" she says, before capturing Harry's lips into hers. She deepens the kiss, and I think I am going to be sick.

"You cow" Louis snaps, Rebecca pulls away.

"What did you say?" she says, before firing at Louis.

"Louis!" I scream, as he falls to the ground clutching his arm.

"Now, after this you are not to speak to Harry or anyone he knows everything that is his is mind now including his gang and I will not hesitate to kill you Horan you might as well leave town because I own this bitch now" Rebecca hisses, before leaving. I drop to Louis side, hold him.

"Fuck" he screams.

"I'm calling the police" I say.


"This can't be happening...." I say, for the hundredth time. Louis sits on the bed as the nurse wraps his arm. Rebecca only grazed him so he'd be fine. I contacted Liam but couldn't get through, I guess what Rebecca said was true.

"That crazy ass bitch" Louis mutters.

"Harry.... Harry would never agree to this" I say.

"If she threatened to kill you, he would" Louis says. He was right, Harry would risk this for saving me but what was the point of being alive, if I wasn't with him. "Has Liam not contacted you? Has he at least tried" Louis says.

"No, nothing.... It's like I've been outcasted"

"The bastard.... The least he could do is help us" Louis mutters, Louis and Liam are still on bad terms. They at least can be in the same room with each other, but Louis being Louis he threw in a few jabs.

"What are we going to do Louis? What am I going to do?" without Harry's protection we'd be targets for anyone who wanted revenge. My survival skills went oh so far, and I knew I couldn't fully protect myself. The nurse leaves the room and Louis waits until the door closes fully before he looks at me.

"We have to kill that bitch" 

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