2 - Me

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"Come on, Lyss. It'll be fun."

The band was practically begging me to go into the bar with them although I specifically told them that I hated bars. "I know what happens at bars and I'm not going to be a part of it." I never did tell them why I hated bars. I just didn't want to go in because of the reason.

"You guys go in. I'll talk to her." The band nodded and went inside.

I sighed as David put his hands on my waist.

"Why won't you go in with us?" I looked at him.

"You have no idea what happened last time I went into a bar." He pulled me closer.

"I'll keep you safe. We don't have to do anything. We can just dance. Even though I can't dance. You know Jersey guys can't dance." I chuckled at that. He was right. They really couldn't.

"So how about a deal. We'll go in and just dance. No alcohol. No sex. No messing around. Just dancing. And I won't get mad at you for laughing at my dancing." I nodded.


We went in and did exactly that. Eventually, we sat down with Jon, Richie, Tico, and Alec. Richie and Alec were both drunk out of their minds. Richie was singing along to a song that was playing loudly and out of tune. I laughed and rested my head on David's shoulder.

"Are you glad you came in now?" I nodded.


He just kissed the top of my head in response and went back to joking around with his very drunk friends. I didn't mind that he wasn't talking to me. I just wanted to stay there in his arms and just watch him joke around and have fun. I wasn't lying to him. I was actually glad he convinced me to come in with him. He ended up having a little something to drink himself. He loved to drink. He did get drunk. Not that I minded. Tico and I ended up having to drag Alec, Richie, Jon, and Dave to the car. It was kind of hard, seeming Richie had some screwed up mind when he was drunk. The entire way to the car, Alec kept wandering away from us. I ended up just linking my arm in his, stirring up a sexual comment from him that made the other three snicker.

"They're like fucking kids when they're drunk." I remarked to Tico.

"Oh, you have no fucking idea how bad they can get." Tico responded as we finally got them in the car.

I sat in the passenger seat as Tico drove. Alec and Jon ended up passing out on the way back. I struggled to get David out of the car.

"C'mon, Dave. We're getting you to bed." I said, dragging him to the stairs.

I stayed behind him just in case all the way up. I sat down on the bed after ushering him into the bathroom to change. I felt arms snake around my waist and lips against my neck.

"C'mon, Dave. Not tonight." I said, gently pushing his arms off of me.

He didn't give up. Instead, I was the one to give in.

After he passed out, I took a shower and got dressed. I went to go pack his things since he would be leaving the next day. Knowing that he would be hung over, he probably wouldn't get up until an hour before the plane was to leave. I found this pocket that I didn't even really know about. Apparently he didn't know about it either. I found $20 and the ring he thought he lost while in Germany. What I pulled out of that pocket next absolutely killed me.

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